Vote Gore: gun activist's long term strategy


New member
I have a long term strategy which can actually destroy the democrats...

Vote GREEN! Yes for Nader!

Since the Democrats have similar views to the Greens, voters won't know which to go for... Also, the Greens are subborn enough that the democrats sucking up their ideas isn't enough for them. So, the NRA should give money to the Greens and kill them both.

John Condon


New member

If your theory held water, Massachusetts would have long ago thrown out Teddy Kennedy and his clone John Kerry from the U.S. Senate. Massachusetts is about the most socialist state that I can think of yet you don't see them rebelling against it, do you?

You seem to think that a socialist or communist state will implode by itself. History shows no such thing. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan collapsed due to the military might of the United States. The Soviet Union and the Eastern block states collapsed due to external pressures exerted by the United States. Who do you suppose will exert that external pressure to save us?

By all common accounts, Canada is a socialist nation. You frequently hear our neighbors to the north complain about their high taxes and the lousy economy, but the majority sure don't want to get rid of their "wonderful" socialized medical system.

The vast majority of the 50% of Americans who pay little or no federal income taxes would gladly give up their freedoms as long as "mommy government" took care of their every need. You really think that once they got their free drugs, free medical care, free day care for their kids, etc., etc., that they would vote their sugar daddys out of power?

Your theory is correct in that a vote for AlGore will bring an end to our freedoms quickly. But that is the only correct thing!