Varmint caliber, that does 'blow up' game.


New member
groundhog populations are truly out of control here in SE OH

I hunt in Drakes Ohio (3 miles from Corning). When I drive down Rt 13 between Belvue and north of New Lexington I see alot of areas that would be great for chuckin'. Up here in the north it's difficult to get farmer to let you shoot. How difficult is it in your part of the state?


New member
Would match bullets be good for such purposes? I gather they're very light and something tells me I'd like them with my '06 through coyote. We have bad problems with them here in Alabama and I might do a little work on them before turkey season.


New member
I'm originally from NW Indiana and I know all about the raccoon infestation. We'd get them as big as a medium sized dog, or close to the 50 to 65 pound range. When I had just gotten my license I hit one with my folks' 1 ton Suburban, and it felt like I ran into massive chuckhole in the road.

Now that I'm living near Boise, we have literally tons of whistle pigs out near Parma and we can kill upwards of 200 per person on a 6 hour walk through of the dunes. 10/22 with high-caps and a couple bricks per person with a shared speed loader are the norm, with a few varmint accurized .233 rifles for some long range (200 to 500 yards) work is pretty regular as well. Most of the .233 users are using hollow points and soft points.

I guess I need to get a scope now too .....

For regular hunting I would use regular hunting ammo, but for varmints as long as the kill is clean then I'll use anything.



New member
I don't know Garry. I hunt on my Uncle's 400 acre farm. If I'm not doing any good there, I drive to the old Ohio Coal mine area. It's owned by AEP now but there are miles and miles of reclaimed fields that anyone is allowed to hunt. They call it recreation land now. It's very close to The Wilds animal preserve and you have to be careful because AEP has been giving The Wilds a lot of land. And if The Wilds see you on there property, you will have a big problem in about 5 minutes LOL. I swear it's like area 51 out there. Guys in big Broncos glassing the area's for any perpatrator's. Maybe they are just making sure no one tries to steal their rinos and hippos and stuff. Plus if I do want to hunt somewhere else out here in the boonies, everyone knows everyone, and getting permission is usually very easy. Miles and miles of gravel roads out here and houses are few and far between.

Dave Haven

New member
Would match bullets be good for such purposes?
They may or may not. Match bullets are designed for accuracy, not expansion. They may expand explosively, or they may punch a caliber-size hole.