Value Priced Semi-Autos: CZ, EAA, Ruger, Llama and Kel Tec?


New member
Own 2 Rugers, great pistols, Used to own Kel-Tec P-11 and was very reliable and made a great carry gun. Currently own a full size Llamma .45 and have had no probs with it yet ;)


New member
Everything is relative to price.

For about $220 the FEG PJK-9HP is a Hi-Power clone that is good.

$400 the CZ is good. Was recently quoted $400 for the polycote model. That is a little high, but this was a local dealer.

Rugers are good guns for the money, but not as pretty as the CZ or the FEG in my opinion. Very workhorse design.

I have handled the Witness and not been overly impressed. Not shot one though. Price is right. Same local shop had them with a .22 conversion kit for $400.


New member
ruger all the way! I haven't owned the CZ although it gets favorable commentary everywhere and from everyone. I personally found the ruger p89 and 90 to be the best fit for my hand out of the box, although I agree they aren't as aesthetically pleasing as the CZ.


New member
CZ = value gun?

What kind of price can I get the CZ 9mm for? The list prices I've seen don't seem to be that value-oriented. Are there web sites that sell the CZ? TIA.


New member
What kind of price can I get the CZ 9mm for? The list prices I've seen don't seem to be that value-oriented.

Pardon? What is your definition of value-oriented?:eek:

Anyway, the CZ 75 has a LIST price that starts at $429. That is less than the Ruger P89! However, the CZ is a much nicer gun than the Ruger (and I've had both). The CZ is just as strong and reliable, it is MUCH more accurate, it has MUCH nicer ergonomics (well, that is an individual thing), it has much better fit and finish, and it is in the same price range (some models are CHEAPER) v. the Ruger which is on just about everyone's 'value' list.

As far as quality is concerned CZ seems to be on par with SIG, however they are significantly more affordable than SIG.

Depending upon where you live you should be able to find one in the high $300s or certainly just barely over $400. The nickel versions are a little more but not by much.

Are there web sites that sell the CZ?

Check the gun auction site

There is also CZ Connection which you can find on gunbroker. I've never tried them so I don't know how their service is but the prices seem to be OK. Here is the website for CZ Connection.


New member
just like everything else, you get what you pay for. id hate to think i got robbed or my family hurt because i saved $200 on a lesser gun that jammed in a sticky situation.