"V"...from a Mod, of All People...

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New member
Shouldn't have read this, recorded it and not had a chance to watch it yet. I remember the original but don't think I watched I may have been working second shift at the time.:)
Technosavant said:
You're watching TV/movies and expecting to see good gun handling? What's the matter with you?

Meh, I never expect anything on film to display proper gunhandling. It just happened to pique my interest because the FBI agent held the flashlight in a goofy underhand manner, but caught her in the next clip handling the flashlight and handgun quite well. She even had her booger picker along the frame instead of on the trigger. I had that moment of, "Hey, are we going to finally have a show that actually has their actors properly trained? I'm kinda excited!" Then, the hammer dropped...:(

So much for false hope.

brmfan said:
Have you been on Youtube lately? There are plenty of videos posted by actual gun owners / users that make me cringe when it comes to safe & responsible gun handling.

Nope. I VERY rarely go on youtube. Waste of my time...

oneounceload said:
You watch dumb TV shows when there's such stimulating conversations right here on TFL??? For shame.....tsk, tsk, tsk...........

Had to put the laptop aside while I eat (sometimes). I can walk and chew gum at the same time, but I can't walk, talk, and chew gum....:p

I am interested to see what other firearms come into play when the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan. If they don't get too stupid on them, I might check in once in a while to see what they are.


New member
On the one hand, it was cool getting to see a sorta-mini-Firefly reunion, and Inarra is HOT. On the other hand, Wash got killed again. NOT shiny, not shiny at ALL.

The only thing I like about the show is the design of the new Visitor ships. They look kinda used, banged up and dented a bit, and at least you can tell where the front of the darn thing is.


New member
I was interested to see the new one right up until they started referring to them as "The V's" Then they referenced the spray painted V as a good thing that they liked.

Errrr, the V sign was a sign of Victory over the visitors and was used by the resistance as their sign of rebellion, similar to its use in World War II.

At least thats how the original was, and i was just a kid at the time :)


New member
On the other hand, Wash got killed again. NOT shiny, not shiny at ALL.

Ah. But he turned up on "Dollhouse". I think he got killed there too, but it's hard telling - these folks tend not to stay dead.

What's the best round for actives?

So, Baccarin is the new Badler? Guess I'll have to download the pilot now to find out what everyone's talking about.


New member
Looks interesting, and I'd sorta like to watch it, regardless of stupid gun-handling/lame plot (Cheesy B-grade movies and TV shows are a weak spot).

But it's airing opposite NCIS and that jus' won't do ;)


New member
Ha, I rember a scene from a movie, though I cannot remember the movie title.

The BG is making his get away in a boat. The FBI agent runs down to the dock and trains his pistol on the now somewhat distant boat. The agent clearly has hit finger out of the trigger guard resting on the frame of the sidearm.

Yet the firearm fires three times! No slide action and no recoil, little puffs of fire from the muzzle. I guess they decided to add the shooting post filming in the editing room.


New member
I recorded this and started watching it, but gave up part way through. They just didn't sell it as reasonable that everybody was taking such fanatical opinions for or against the aliens on such short notice.

Funny thing is that the original "V" was never supposed to be about aliens--according to the creator, it was going to be a story about the rise of a fascist political movement in the US, which was the inspiration for the persecution of certain groups (scientists as a stand in for intellectuals and Jews).

What round for lizard people? To keep us legit.

Definitely something FMJ, in my opinion. Scales are likely to be a lot harder than skin, so more penetration will be necessary.


New member
Well, my DVR can record both NCIS and V. But I watched NCIS later Tuesday night, and didn't catch V until this morning, if that tells you anything.

As a show, I thought it was OK, but they went too far too fast. They introduced the youth movement, the real nature of the visitors and the resistance all in the first hour. A little cheap.

But if you thought the gun handling was bad in the episode, you didn't watch the preview for next week. Someone comes up behind a character, puts a gun up behind their head and is startled by the hammer cocking sound.

It was a Glock.


New member
Definitely something FMJ, in my opinion. Scales are likely to be a lot harder than skin, so more penetration will be necessary.

I'd think anything good for gator would be plenty good enough for Visitors- I doubt their hide would be as thick. So, what would one use on gator?


New member
Funny thing is that the original "V" was never supposed to be about aliens--according to the creator, it was going to be a story about the rise of a fascist political movement in the US, which was the inspiration for the persecution of certain groups (scientists as a stand in for intellectuals and Jews).

al·le·go·ry (āl'ĭ-gôr'ē, -gōr'ē)
n. pl. al·le·go·ries


The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.

A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories.

A symbolic representation: The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.

What round for lizard people? To keep us legit.

DU rounds or at least something with a tungsten core.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Whenever I see these, "Just to keep us legit ..." or "Just so we can say we are on topic ..." I know we aren't really talking about firearms.

Are we?

That's what I thought.


The Lizard people are coming.
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