"V"...from a Mod, of All People...

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Yep, wife and I just HAD to watch this stupid show just to see if it holds a candle to the stupidity of the original. Come to find out, there was yet another Hollywood moment regarding firearms handling (go figure).

The lady FBI agent and her partner was investigating a tunnel under a shack. One portion of the scene she was holding the flashlight oddly, yet still under her gunside wrist providing isometric tension. The next portion she had the hold correct (guess the director yelled cut to correct her issue:rolleyes:). As she swept through the room you could tell she actually had her finger out of the trigger guard....for a portion of the scene again. Then, she turned around and had it right on the trigger. It gets better...

She happened to see something covered up along the wall. She had the gun still pointing to it after she uncovered the pile.

The pile? "A whole-lotta" C4! I don't care who you are, that there's funny. I know, I know, it doesn't represent us in a good light. But dang it, sometimes I have to let my hair down and just laugh at yet another useless, terrible acting, poorly produced/directed TV show that to this day cannot even provide basic gunhandling skills.

I feel better now....


New member
Nothing compared to the first V. I watched some of it on the SyFY channel wow...just wow. M-16's must have been made to be fired from the hip:barf:



New member
Oooo... I get to say this to a mod? :D

You're watching TV/movies and expecting to see good gun handling? What's the matter with you?


I watched it too; looks like it might be worthwhile, but the pilot episode moved WAY too fast... needed more exposition as to why people felt suspicious.


New member
It ain't just Hollywierd

"I know, I know, it doesn't represent us in a good light"

Have you been on Youtube lately? There are plenty of videos posted by actual gun owners / users that make me cringe when it comes to safe & responsible gun handling.
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You watch dumb TV shows when there's such stimulating conversations right here on TFL??? For shame.....tsk, tsk, tsk...........


New member
I watched the first one back in 83, 84? Can't remember, maybe older than that, Just barely interesting enough to keep a sci fi teen like me interested. not at all interested in the remake of a remake.


When the first version came out, we were living on a place that was lousy with snakes. You couldn't walk 10 ft without seeing one. We watched it until the aliens were revealed to be reptiles. At the big reveal we heard a sound by the back door and a snake was trying to get out under the door but was too big. We had a good laugh and quickly lost interest in the show. That was the only time one of the rascals ever came in the house.
Guess I should have opened up on it but I just let it out.


New member
I taped it and watched it when I got home. Normally, I do not watch programs on broadcast TV, but because I enjoyed the origional I wanted to see what they did with it. I enjoyed it and most probably will watch the series. Really the reason I watched it in the first place is because I think the "V" leader is hot. Really, she is what got me to watch it in the first place as I wanted to see more of her.


New member
She (the actress) was far more attractive in Stargate Atlantis (final season) and in Firefly (the TV show) & Serenity (the movie based on the Firefly TV show). They cut her hair for "V" to give her a more businesslike appearance, but it also made her less womanly, unfortunately.


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Incendiary projectiles

I think something with white phosphorous and a hard metal tip fired in a upward angle to match the lay of the scales.


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What round for lizard people? To keep us legit.

The part I saw had them hacking away with some kind of metal rod.

If I recall correctly from my teen years the original series lizards were always improving their armor, making them harder to kill. So I say go for max penetration. DPMS AR-10 in either .300 Win Mag or .338.
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