
New member
Cool website, Bruels! I was a weekend warrior at NAS Jacksonville in a Reserve Attack outfit, VA 203. My rate was AME3, but I almost never worked in my shop- I was always on the line, I thought it was more fun. Was a plane captain on A4L's and M's and also A7E's when we transitioned to them.

Jeez, that was a long time ago!


New member
Jack 99,
Bowling alley? guess the place has changed....the ships store were we bought our geedunk was probably only 30 x 50 feet and the wharehouse that stored the booze had those large gas driven forklifts to reach the tops of the quansoet huts....we had some softball diamonds...and some genius decided that we ought to have entertainment of the go-cart variety and empowered the seabees to build the course with questionable had hair pin turns that were lined with palm tress, took us about 2-3 weeks to destroy those go give a bunch of bored to tears sailors who have nothing to do, and are possibly drinking, gas powered go carts to race......its a wonder we didnt kill the course was a challenge...Oh yeah we got one uso show while I was there, that lead singer fueled our dreams for was a looker and they escorted around with an durn army to protect her as she was the only woman who had been on that island during the time I was there, unless you count the australian sail boat that beached there....fubsy.


Staff Alumnus
Hitched a ride on a Navy Taxi more then a few times. Favorite ride... those of SBU's.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"


New member
Hospital Corpsman Third Class NEC 8404 (ooo-rah). Spent a year and a half in school, a year at NavHosp Long Beach (may she rest in peace) and 14 months in the ThirdMarDiv (Okinawa) with most of that at the 22,000 acres of the Northern Training Area (NTA). Never spent a single day haze grey and under way!!!


New member
Long ago and far away. 1950-1954. Ping Jockey (Sonarman) on the USS Cobia(245) and Picuda(382).

Tough duty in the Carribbean, based out of Key West, Fla. Great education for a green 17-year-old. Stunned by the absolute poverty of the people in Haiti and parts of Puerto Rico. I was stuck on mess duty and had to lower our garbage cans over the side to the bum boats. Saw guys picking out the chicken bones and gnawing on them and licking the wrappers that the ice cream had come in.

Pre-Castro Cuba and Gitmo Bay were splendid dens of depravity. Enjoyed every minute of it. On the other hand, because of all the chicken feces, I couldn't wait to get out.

Irony of ironies -- 45 years later I took a 4-day Carnival cruise which stopped off at Key West. Yup, tied up to the exact same mole I used to fish from. All the wooden piers we had tied up to were gone as were the barracks. In some ways I felt like a ghost, and, after seeing the direction this country is headed in, perhaps I am.


New member
Only sailor is a Tin Can sailor. Newman K. Perry on the east coast and the USS. Twinning on the west coast. A lonnnngggg time ago..

From my cold dead hands.

Doc Mac

New member
HT 3, USS Holland AS-32, 81-84. Lots of time in Holy Loch, and a bout 3 mos on Diego Garcia too. We were the resident tender in the IO for those 3 mos. The island is beautiful, but remote, nothing to do but drink and swim, so we did. Lots of sharks too.


New member
Aviation Machinist Mate (AD)1975-1979.Spent the majority of my tour at USNS Roosevelt Roads,Puerto Rico in the intermediate maintenance dept.