USMC Rules For Gunfighting


New member
Not just gunfighting

That list could be pretty easily adapted to your place of business. No, I don't mean rampaging through the cubicle farm :D , I'm talking about the world of the suit and tie.
If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly.
11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
12. Have a plan.
13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work.

Yeah, those work in the business world.

I don't know about that last one, though. I carry a certain caliber that starts with a "9" and is metric.



New member

Gotta agree with that last one. .40, .44 or .45 are my favorite numbers. I like that last one the best, but I get the same arguments from my friends that I get from my wife when I'm buying ties. "Too old-fashioned. Try something modern..."

I don't know. Burgundy ties with traditional muted patterns and 1911's have never failed me.


New member

Will I be regarded as a cheater if I bring some claymores??
And maybe a friend with some more claymores... of course induction fuses will be used :)))