USMC Rules For Gunfighting


New member
This is great!

USMC Rules for Gunfighting

1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns.

2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.

3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

4. If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly.

5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.)

6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun.

7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.

9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun.

9.5 Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. "All skill is in vain when an Angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12. Have a plan.

13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work.

14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.

15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

16. Don't drop your guard.

17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees.

18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them).

19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.

20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.

21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.

23. Your number one Option for Personal Security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a "4."

Navy Rules to Gunfighting

1. Go to Sea

2. Send the Marines

3. Drink Coffee
One of the coolest aspects of the TFL Forum is the SEARCH button at the top right of the screen. You can find all sorts of things with it. For example, if you put in "gunfight rules" you will come up with a bunch of links, of which you wil find that this list was already posted here at TFL two weeks ago...

Another version without the USMC/Navy twist (but same list) back in September...

And those were preceded by these in August...

A condensed version from last year at this time...


New member
Navy gunfighting rules

On the airdale side of the Navy we like to say:

Sit on a ship 600 miles away and throw officers at them. :D


New member
Was Clint Smith...

.... a Marine?

I ask this as I understand that one of his tenants is that cheating is okay to win.

If you win, I guess you can't argue with the way you won. A lawyer might, a judge possibly, but you can't because you won.


New member
Thanks for the post Dogger and ignore the naysayers I missed the the other posts and have better things to do with my time than search around the archives.

Uncle Alvah

New member
Lot of truth in those sayings! I'll have to look to see if I can find them, but there was a Murphys Laws of Combat that was around. "If the enemy is range, so are you." "if your perimiter is so secure they can never get in, you can never get out" that kind of stuff. I'll look for it.......... "USAF-Helping the enemy give their lives for their countrys in a group setting!"


New member
Great post.. I love it!!!

I too did not see the other threads, so thanks for this list....

Another saying I quote all the time is 'To hesitate is to die'

Now let me go and build on my arsenal..You can never tell I may have to go out to sea:p


New member
I enjoyed the post.

Don't let the neggies get to you. If they don't want to reread something, they can just skip it. Repeating a post only makes it more visible to those who didn't see it the first time.



Not to be an ass...but...
in my 5 years in the Marines, I never saw a list like this.
I've seen it in circulation as just a list of rules, not attributed to any group. It didn't come from the Marines AFAIK.


New member
Thank you for a good laugh this morning, great list regardless of whether it's been posted before.

To the negative responders - I think you are being kind of rude to a fellow member when you post things like this. Seeing someone accidentally repeat a post is not nearly as irritating as reading your facetious replies to it. Not everyone reads this forum every day, and even though I do, I didn't see this list last week either. Even so, most of us have better things to do than to sit and tediously go through the archives to ensure our new post hasn't ever been alluded to before.

TFL is just about the only gun forum I know where people are still treated courteously and respectfully. It's up to all of us to keep it that way, so the next tkme you feel smart-allecky or want to condescend, flame, or sharp-shoot others, there is another forum devoted to plastic pistols where this behavior may be more appropriate.

Thank you.


New member
I have posted this a month ago but there are more TFLer's who posted earlier than me. Not bad anyway. Not every one can scan all everyday whatever is posted hereon.

For me, being a civilian these rules are just a food for thought, because fighting is not what we are planning or intend to do it beforehand, but it just happen unexpectedly, so it is just enough to have any weapon on hand.:)


I think they make alot of sense..I'm just cheesed that they are being attributed to the Marine Corps without any documentation.
And I don't give a rats ass how many times its been posted, or that its in the archives.
Prove to me it came from the Corps. Thats all I want to see.
Otherwise, don't say it came from the Corps.


New member
Great post...

I just wanted to say great post and thansk for the Laugh :)

Atc1man :

I too am a Marine, (once a marine always a marine) And I for one found this pretty funny attributable to the Corps or not it really doesnt matter.

I guess in response to this "Joke" an evil laugh is better than none at all, So chill.

Dino.... Who especially likes rule 10


New member

For all those who blew a lid on this, it is meant to be a humorous post. You can figure that out when you see the 3 Navy rules tacked on at the end of it.

Anyway, I am former Army, but all my Marine Corps buddies enjoyed the heck out of it, and especially the jab to the Navy at the end.

Cheers to all!!

:) :)

aka "Army Dog", as the Marines referred to us in Somalia...