USAF qualification course of fire?


New member
Hey! Those are called "Dining Facilities" not Chow Halls.

By the way, USMC Grunt, how did the wife do (which was the whole point of this thread)?

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Striker1 wrote:

By the way, USMC Grunt, how did the wife do (which was the whole point of this thread)?
WHOOPS! - - I was just about to close this thread as having gone utterly, completely, totally Off-Topic. With this unexpected veer back Onto the topic, I will leave it open so the USMC Grunt may reply to S1's very polite query. :p

So, how 'bout it, Grunt? How DID the lady airperson do in the re-quals?

PLEASE - - No answers from anyone else.


New member
Well, we figure she might have shot expert but she managed to dump a few rounds on the next shooter's target and didn't get her ribbon. Still qualified and the girl shooting next to her might not have qualified at all if she hadn't got a little unintentional help from the wife so that's the way that one went. Going to OTS in November that was her last chance to qualify with the M-16. :( Oh well, she gets to qualify with the M-9 I think in October and if not will surely have to try again in OTS so we'll be going to the range with the Beretta a lot here now.


New member
Golden BB's

I was in the AF in the 80's but in TAC. Therefore I had to qualify with an M16 every year. In those days they used those stupid .22lr. adapters and a 25 yrd. range. Everytime you went out to shoot, the things were constantly jamming. Had the old style M16's with no fwd assist for marksmanship training. So I could always qualify as "expert" I just practiced at home with a 10-22! What the hell, it was 25 yds. and no noise or recoil with the adapters. This sure did not prepare for firing real centerfire ammo, which was totally a different experience, but what the hell I got my little qualification card and a ribbon! :p


New member
Qusetion for you; in what condition do Marines carry their weapons when armed (rifle and pistol)?

It all depends Fobbits carrying them in condition 4, most trigger pullers (grunts, MiTTs, BiTTs, SPiTTs, etc) carry them in 1.

Just how much was that? And I'm curious, from someone who knows, how much US Army/USMC troops fire annually on the M16? Not just infantry types, but support troops also

Again it depends, if you are getting ready to deploy you are suppose to shoot the EMP/MOCS which is similar to any carbine course in the civilian world. If not in the deployment pipeline, than annual qualification has them shoot around 600-700 rounds. Units than get an allocation of ammo for training, which amounts to a couple hundred more rounds. But when they get into the deployment pipeline, it is not unusual for a BN to have more ammo than it can productively shoot.

What do the Army and Marines do when there's no war going on? Train?

Well I can only talk about the Marines, but even in peace time you are either training or deploying. Most none Marines didn't realize that the Marine Corps always had forward deployed forces. And it's not exactly true all element are always doing their war time mission (log types always make this argument), those that actually kill the enemy do the same thing as those that kill the enemy in the other services, the train to kill the enemy.


New member
Thanks for the link but man, that's been a while ago since my first post! Since then I've been working the range as a CATM instructor so now I know the course of fire (pretty much by heart) but the reference to 2227 is always a good one.


New member
Well I was a Army MP thats 95-B. From 79-82. We shot quite a bit, I can't tell you how much, its been 25 years. But I was qualified with an M-16- Expert, 45- expert, M-203-marksman, and I was an M-60 gunner for 2 years guarding Nukes. I have been in law enforcement since. In my current Agency we qualify quarterly with pistol, shotgun and M-4. I live across the street from an Airforce base and shoot with the guys there, some are actually pretty good, but I can still embarrass them.

arabian cowboy

New member
well it is true that we air force types could use more weapons training, but who doesnt need more weapons training? i mean, we have a fixed budget and we spend the money training for our actual jobs primarily, and then spend money and effort training for contingency scenarios when the time permits. so, even though my primary job is flying, the marine and army guys will always have some comment to say because we arent trained as proficiently as them with small arms. its absolutly absurd that you guys still dont understand that different services have different jobs.

i'm a flyer, and they trained me to fly very well and give me opportunities to maintain that proficiency so when i fly combat missions i can do it well. small arms will never be my primary focus because i would only have to use my M9 in a survical situation. i know, you guys have the attitude that "at any time a terrorist can jump out of the bushes so you better be ready" and there is some truth to that. but there are only so many hours in the day to train, and we spend alot of time training for airborne situations that you dont understand. when i'm giving a marine a ride into al asad and we lose an engine and while handleing the emergency and the radios and the systems losses we take small arms fire.... well at that moment i think the marines in the back care more about my piloting ability than when the last time i shot was.

usmc grunt, you recieved the answer to your original question. i know your wife is frustrated that we dont shoot more, so am i. but all in all the af has given me the appropriate amount of training for the job i do in combat, and i say this after 3 tours in combat.


New member
Keep flyin cowboy

I have no problem with the way the Air Force trains thier marksmen. As long as you guys share your chow halls!!! lol We ( USMC) lived for the chance to eat at Kadena Air base! You guys keep cookin that chow, and cover our 6!! I try to never P.O. my close air support!!! lol :D


New member
I never got bona fide USAF CAS

Of course, all I've had was RWCAS from Apaches and Cobras. I tried to talk an AC130 into dumping a few (dozen) 105's in Barikouw once, but it took the stupid thing an hour to get there and we had the situation well in hand by then. I'll be honest, we were tempted to mark a mountain that we knew was vacant so they could have a dump-x, but decided against it (we're talking about corporals calling in air here, there was no one else there).

Anyhoo, as long as the AF keeps up those nice chow halls all over the world I won't say all that much. You have no idea how hard I'm fighting to not make fun of their PT sessions or height/weight standards, but I'm not gonna say a word. They have a job to support us, and they do it. I know full well that any branch of the military has more than enough "busy-work" time throughout the week. You know, time where SNCOs have paperwork to do but the NCOs and non-rates don't engage in training because they'll get interrupted 5 times an hour to sign something. If that time was taken away and given to the purpose of conducting usefull training, the flyboys would get to shoot pistols and grunts could go over IA drills again for the thousandth time for senior Marines and the 2nd time for junior Marines.


New member

+1 Wheeler! Icant comment on thier conditioning, Im kinda fat & happy theses days!! lol So thanks for doing it for