Us Yankees need a lesson on how to to kill a gator


New member
My Grandfather swore by shining them with a light and then bringing the boat up close and shooting them in the head with a 12 gauge. I've seen them shot effectively with lever guns in both 30-30 and .357.

My ex father-in-law shot one in the head from shore with a S&W Sigma in 9mm which worked just as well. This was done after the gator moved into a pond behind his neighbors house and ate the family's dashund. Placement counts more then caliber. This is as true for gators as it is for goblins ;)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Gator tail: I've had it cut into small chunks, rolled in batter, and fried like chicken. A bit chewy, but good tasting.

Among other places, Al T's restaurant just off I-10 at Winnie, Texas, serves it.



New member
Any of you guys see that episode of Dangerous Game on OLN where the hunter shoots a Crock? Tough reptile!!! The guy was using something like a 375 too. Took him three shots and they had to "track" it down stream to finish it off.


Us Yankees need a lesson on how to to kill a gator...
Good news! It will be easier for you since you have lots of bait handy.

  • Ask a Yankee if he wants to go swimming with you. (Keep trying 'til one says yes.)
  • You and a bunch of friends take him to the place you last saw the 'gator.
  • Ask him to get in first and test the water.
  • When the 'gator appears, you and your friends open up on the 'gator.
  • You will need to take along more bait if you have more than one 'gator--it's unusual for the bait to be good for a second try.


New member
That sounds about right. However after the outing, you might suggest an evening of snipe hunting and cow tippin' to make the "bait" feel better :)