Us Yankees need a lesson on how to to kill a gator


New member
Weird news story about a 5 foot gator found in a lake in Montana. I kind of felt bad for the critter, since the locals tried to kill it with was a deer hunting bow and a knife. It is unclear why Law enforcement or animal control were involved so late with this, but I'm assuming a firearm used sooner would have put the gator down a lot quicker.

My question is if somehow a large gator shows up in my backyard, where exactly do you shoot it?
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New member
I actually saw a video of bowfishing gators. Looked like quite the adventure. Can't recall the name of the video as it was several years ago.


New member
I laughed through the whole thing. Come down here and see just how big they get here. 5 feet is just a baby gator. The best I've seen is when my best friend dives in after a gator that was about the same sizeas that one and comes up holding it in it's middle. That was one mad gator! He was whipping my buddies back with his tail and trying to bite his head off with his mouth.


New member
most of the guys and gals down here that hunt gators kill them with a bangstick. I have often used a single shot 20 ga with foster slugs. Most anything will do, even a .22 LR if you hit the right spot.
I find that a shot behind the eye lobe, angling toward the snout, or has been mentioned, right between the eyes, work for me. Heart shot works too.
I have probably killed more with a noose and blade though, than with a gun. No noise that way...............


New member
Thats a fine question. I would also like to know. Maby it was some ones pet and when it got too big they let it go in the lake. I have heard stories of this but never actualy seen it.

Anthony Terry

New member
Them gators are'nt that hard to kill boys. Just grab em around the throat and choke em out. The sleeper hold will take em out quick, then when they get woozy, stick a blade in em. Then throw em over your shoulder and take em on home!


New member
Not in these here parts, pilgrim...

Actually it was North Dakota, not Montana. I've got family in FL who is a rural LEO. He says betwix the lookers also.


New member
i don't care how easy people think they are to kill, if i saw one of those things in my back yard it would have four 338 bullets in it. but then again how would i make boots out of it if its full of hole.:D

john in jax

New member
Bigger is better

A 12ga or 20ga slug to the head gives you a pretty good margin of error. There was a story floating around a couple/few months ago where one of our FL LEO's whipped out a Mini-14 and put 4 rounds of .223 into a gator's head from +/-15feet . . . it made the gator REALLY mad.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Between the eys, if the angle isn't flat. Even .30-30s have been known to ricochet if the angle was wrong. My understanding is that after a head shot, a gator will float for a while. A body shot is not likely to be DRT, and they'll be hard to find after they're dead.

From reading; no first-hand knowledge...


Anthony Terry

New member
I thought I'd make a joke above, no one got it:D so seriously, you want to shoot either haed on between the eyes or a broadside shot right behind the eye. Whether you use a shotgun or rifle, thats where you want to hit him. :D Just use something big enough to make a big hole. I seen a guy on TV kill one with a S&W 500.


New member
On a broadside view you aim just behind the eye. Shot this 10'-1" one with a .22. Legally of course. Season is coming up soon (Sept)

gator email.JPG


New member
17.5 foot Boa in Cicero, Indiana

Here in Indiana yesteray, there was a 17.5 foot boa found dead. Obviously the owner got tired of feeding him and just turned him loose. They think he got hit by a car I think.

All I know is if I saw that thing in my back yard.....he would be rather peppered by 00 Buckshot. The thing was plenty big enough to eat my dogs....and nothing messes with my dogs. Wish I could find a pic.


I was gonna ask, Montanans are yankees? But you said N.D. I can believe Dakotans are yankees, since S.D. did elect Daschle for those many years.


New member
I've had fried gator and it was yummy. Not sure if it was the tail though. Actually, I've got no idea what parts they used.


New member
Between the eyes. My Dad told me that when he was young his Dad would hunt alegators for a living and he would go with him.:eek: My Dad grew up in Florida, Lots of gators there.