US seen unfavorably by Arab (Surprise!)


New member
Bravo, gentlemen!

The piece probably comes from Ennio Morricone, who did the music for "The Mission." I believe the soundtrack has it as well.



New member
What this is a combintion of the average desperately poor Arab watching their "leaders" bathe in oil money and their illiteracy and ignorance about what is really going on in the US. They don't hear both sides. The regimes are corrupt but we need that oil so what do we do? Seems like a problem that will never be solved. As Muzzleblast inferred, they are lucky we just don't come in and take what we want by force. A few well placed neutron bombs (or do we still deny we have them) would do the trick.


New member
The regimes are corrupt but we need that oil so what do we do?
It isn't so much about the "oil money." Oil is a publicly, internationally traded commodity. Even if the whole Middle East disappears tomorrow, there is enough petroleum in the rest of the world to sustain us for a LONG, LONG time (sure there'd be some short-term disruptions and lots of panic).

The real problem is the political and moral legitimacy we lend to these regimes by making these regimes our "allies." Of course, I am not naively suggesting that we wait for the "democratic alternative" in every country we "ally" with. But we need to keep our distance with some regimes even if we seek alliances of convenience (as we did with Yugoslavia and China against the Soviet Union).



New member
I don't think our approval ratings were very high among the Russians during the Cold War.
