UPS: "Gee ... You Haven't Ordered Ammo for Quite Awhile ..."

Dean Speir

New member
I dunno, Art…

Where I come from, there's usually a job application which asks about prior employment, and references, etc.

Please don't tell me that's something the Supremes struck down...


UPS drivers are the closest thing to cross country trukers, when was the last time you heard of a trucker being anti gun?

UPS drivers are hard working people, I don't ever recall seeing an overweight UPS driver.

What I am getting at, is they are more inclined to be pro gun than anti gun, remember they probably deal with more gun owners, dealers, gunsmiths and gun people than anyone in this country.

They know us, and know we are mainstream America.



Phil Ca

New member
We live in a small college community and it is a very peaceful place on top of a mountain. My wife and I operate a care home for disabled adults and a couple of years ago we closed down one of our homes. We had been receiving a shipment of drugs for our residents at least twice a week and the drivers were always young men of varying races and backgrounds. They were all very polite and friendly but since they came from the SF Bay Area I was a bit concerned about what they might tell their friends about our community. It would be easy for the wrong pereson to get the idea that our community was easy to rip off in a home invasion type of operation.

The next time we received a shipment of drugs, I met the driver at the door with a .45 ACP pistol stuck in my waist band. The drivers remained as polite and friendly as before but I was hoping that they would tell their friends that,"the folks up on the hill" are armed.

In any case we never had a problem and now with the current political situation we are still carrying while at home.:cool:


New member
Add San Jose, California to the list. There were several UPS guys that were stealing gun, and they stole a bunch over a period of time.


New member
I was a pizza driver for a while, sometimes I would remember people who had ordered ages before. Hell, one time I even switched places I was working for and got an order from a customer I had delivered to from the last place and I remembered them. Drivers memorize locations and things like that. I would not read too much into it. Also, with special labelling on ammo and whatnot, it probably comes up in their database....


New member
I remember a case of a delivery driver in the Washington DC area who was arrested for stealing guns. The article in the newspaper said he was suspected of stealing over 800 guns.

Apparently, most of these where deliveries to firearms dealers. What I cannot understand is how he stole so many guns before finally getting caught?

Cannot remember what company he worked for. I think it was UPS.
Got to along with the thought he might be a shooter also. Few months ago I sent my rifle to an out of state gunsmith and shipped it through UPS. Had to let them know what was inside the package because of the insurance. Young guy working the counter asked me what model it was and we got to talking and he shoots a .308 he has at a nearby state range. Avid shooter and seemed like an honest and friendly individual. Definately had pro 2nd Amendment views.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, I'm glad most folks agree it's no big deal. I wasn't really concerned.

Now, anyone know where I can buy tin foil by the case .... ? ;)

Regards from AZ


New member
In all the decades I've been shipping guns and receiving ammo thru UPS I have yet to have a problem. This includes my many years in a bad place. Maybe just a matter of luck, but of course, I also stay on my toes and take precautions. As for the foil... those in the know say the shiney side goes IN! Stay safe.

Jeff Thomas

New member
They just want you to think tin foil hats are reusable. In truth, those hats acually lose a little conductivity every hour they're exposed to cosmic rays. There's actually an Executive Order preventing the aluminum companies from announcing this fact, and using it in their marketing ... ;)


New member
I don't ever recall seeing an overweight UPS driver.

YOU try to even LAND that job being overweight! Too much running around! And lots of pressure to keep up the pace, so heavy boxes that slow them down get noticed. With irritation.


Most of the UPS drivers in my area are shooters themselves. I also have a hunch that most of them vote Republican too...though they would never admit it!