Unsolicited Advice

Nice post, pax. I see you rounded to the 10 thousands place so as not to be accused of false precision, but I think you could have carried it out a couple more decimal places safely. ;)

I have worked with consistent flinchers who said they weren't flinching, but when they changed their POA, could hit whatever they wanted. Shooting their gun for them, video, or a dummy round in their magazine often drove home the point.

Personally, I like the suggestion above of letting the RO or some skilled shooter shoot the gun. That is about the quickest way to determine whether whether it is shooter error or gun error. We all have bad days some days, even when we don't think it is us.
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New member
find a sand bag. shoot off that, that should take your errors out of the equation. then you'll know if it's the sights or you.


New member
I went out to an old gravel pit a while back. Few acres of flat ground, one old guy there before me. Said he had no problem with me shooting there at the same time.
Told me I parked wrong.
The few fixed sight guns I have owned were all police/surplus. A few had buggered sights as described in the article. I sure wish they had gone with fixed sights. Easier for me to correct.

How do they zero fixed sights at the factory? I think the answer is they do not. Not hard for me to believe some are pretty far off either.


New member
Nah, you just be polite, smile and thank him and let him go on about his business.
Except, as OP stated, the RSO seemed to think "helping" OP was his business and returned with additional comments.

If you respond, you encourage. Just stop and turn around, nod your head and then go dead silent and smile at him. After a few moments, he'll not know what to do and he'll walk away (usually muttering something under his breath).............;)
I would just like to point out that the OP wasn't asking for any unsolicited advice here on handle the situation. He just wanted to vent. If he wanted unsolicited advice, I am sure he would just go back to the range where some nice RO was trying to be helpful.


New member
I have Shot Registered Trap for a lot of years . No place is free advice more available than a Trap Range . After a few years you just smile and walk away . The guys that have most of the free advice you just out shot ??

Over the years I have helped a number of new and not so new shooters .
Most of the time I have been asked for help . I once spent most of my shooting time helping a kid that his mom dumped off at a Range . He had a 22 rifle and a new cheap scope still in the box . I mounted the scope got it on paper showed him how to adjust the scope and with a little safety course .


New member

At one time I used a public range (state run) four or five days a week .
A camp grounds is very close less than a mile . People bring young kids to the range all the time and just dump them out .

On the day in question it was 9:AM on Sunday and it was two boys 9/10 years old . Nether of the boys had any experience with a Rifle .

The parents sent the boys with a bolt action 22 and a box with a scope and ammo . No tools to mount the scope and zero supervision .

Most of the people are from a big city (Chicago) just STUPID ?

I am sure the boys do not remember me anymore but I do think about them .
"I would just like to point out that the OP wasn't asking for any unsolicited advice here on handle the situation. He just wanted to vent. If he wanted unsolicited advice, I am sure he would just go back to the range where some nice RO was trying to be helpful."

If he didn't want unsolicited advice, he wouldn't post here in the first place.

Call and response. That's how this place works.

It's not vent and everyone else STHU.


New member

Thanks for all the replies, for dealing with both issues in my original post.

1. For dealing with 3X Buttinsky* RO.

2. Trigger jerking (or not) and the methods for testing for. I'm going to try all of them.

From the online dictionary:
Definition of buttinsky. plural butt·in·skies. : a person given to butting in : a troublesome meddler.


New member
C7AR15: Whether or not you're jerking the trigger, I totally agree that the guy was a total buttinsky of the third degree!
If he didn't want unsolicited advice, he wouldn't post here in the first place.

Call and response. That's how this place works.

It's not vent and everyone else STHU.
Maybe he missed similar signage at the range:) It is how this whole community works.


New member
I try not to interfere with others. I do correct those being unsafe. I value my life

sometimes If I see a noob who is leaning away from t he gun, I politely suggest they lean forward BUT if they get nasty or I sense they do not want any advice-- I offer no more.

I like the gun community. we seem to have lots of folks who just want to help or discuss gun matters,shooting ,whatever .

We should all be open to a suggestion--but just once per advice giver-- and be done--do not pester someone like the OP. respect and polite attitude go along way toward creating a pleasant atmosphere for all


New member
We should all be open to a suggestion--but just once per advice giver-- and be done--do not pester someone like the OP. respect and polite attitude go along way toward creating a pleasant atmosphere for all

Once in a great while, I will see someone who very much looks as if it is his first time out and ask if I could suggest something. They always seem happy to have a little help. I think that is all one can reasonably provide on a noisy range anyway, a little help. It isn't the place to explain one's uniform field theory of firearms.

More often, people come up to me to ask something. I am not naturally chatty at the range, but the quickest way to deal with it is to give them the answer and let them go on their way. If it isn't really a question, but an invitation to stand around talking, I excuse myself to get back to it.

It's a range, not a conversation pit.
"Maybe he missed similar signage at the range It is how this whole community works."

Range is a bit different. In that situation, he wasn't addressing the range master. The RM interrupting him to prevent him from doing something unsafe or against the rules is one thing.

Jumping in with unsolicited advice while he's actively on the firing line, that's another.


New member
This story goes back many years ago and it's about unsolicited advice that l was very glad to receive !
My son and I were at my gun clubs rifle range one afternoon shooting and sighting in my Romainian Ak. I had just installed a newly acquired Russian Callimeter(sp)sight on it and was playing around with it. This older kinda disheveled looking gentleman comes up and taps me on the shoulder, in very broken English and reaching for my rifle he says let me show you! I was kind of taken aback and caught off guard by this, I had to listen very closely as to what he was telling me! I handed him the rifle and he looked it over and set the rifle down and said ,wait minute I be back! Okay?... He walked out to his beater car for his little satchel of tools.
Some younger guys down at the other end of the range ask me if he was bothering me and to just tell him to get lost, he as they said was just a range pest! Well I'm a little older than they were and this gentleman was way older than me at the time,I respect my elders and I wanted to see what was on his mind.
This gentleman comes back and resets the scope and proceeds to test fire the rifle and set it for me. When he was done he said in broken English now you try, go you try. The guy had it dead balls on,knew exactly what to do with it and it worked.
Now we start talking about this AK, he says I built, I ask him what he meant?
Turns out this old gent was in fact from Romainia and was an engineer in the plant that built Romainian weapons and the AK. He told me when he immagrated to this country when he retired? He said he had a small machine shop at his home and I was welcome to come visit anytime. He gave me a business card he had and it proved out to me more or less he was who he said he was?
We talked quite a bit about that rifle and the factory from where it came, he showed me a few tips and tricks with it.
Now the sad thing is after we parted that afternoon I never saw him there again and at the time with my work and other business I never got into his shop, now I wish I would have, I would have enjoyed getting some more unsolicited advice!;)


New member
That is the ultimate in stupidity and rudeness at a range. Would anybody on this forum walk over to a bench and just pick up someone's rifle? I was at a Public range one day and a guy had a handgun stolen when he walked down to the targets.