Unregistered Guns


New member
So if I buy a gun from a gunstore/dealer or pawnshop that gun gets registered in my name correct. Or if buying from a dealer at a gunshow, the gun is then registered to you?

As others have said, registration is dependant on STATE law. The Form 4473 and background checks are FEDERAL law, under which registration is (supposed to be) illegal. Texas, I believe* does not require registration, therefore, firearms bought through a dealer would not be registered.

*I am not a lawyer, nor have I ever played one on TV. Any advise given is not an implication that I actually know what I'm talking about and may not be worth half what you paid for it.

YOU are responsible for knowing the laws in your own state. It would be in your best interest to learn the laws governing your actions. I would advise you start here: http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/index.htm
BATFE FAQs on Federal law here: http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/faqindex.htm
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Another User Name said:
Anyway, I'm TX and I'm certain it isn't an issue here. I have one wheel gun that is unregistered and I'm about to get another gun from an individual this w/end hopefully. Just wanted to verify I'm OK.
Yep, you're fine. There is no gun registration for handguns/rifles/shotguns in TX.

For reference, there's a handy map at nraila.org where clicking on a state takes you to a pdf describing that state's gun laws. Each pdf has a chart at the top left specifying what kinds of permits and registration requirements that state has.


New member
In NC..no registration and those old Family hand me downs.. were bought back in the " Mayberry days " down at the hardware store .:D



texas:any gun bought thru a dealer is registered with the gov.what do you think those 4473s are.
and Mass if gun did not go thru dealer they are not registered.those private sales that needed the green card are.
Mass lost 1,500,000 gun owners since 1998.so the state would be checking those that let their permits lapse.EXCEPT the records are not legible in some cases and lost in others.check GOAL for facts.:mad::rolleyes:


New member
any gun bought thru a dealer is registered with the gov.what do you think those 4473s are.

If the gun is found it can be traced to the first retail sale, but there is no way for the BATFE to check every FFL in the nation to try and find out what guns you own.

The trace only works one way.

If the gun is sold to another FFL there is no way outside of reviewing hos records to find out what happened to the gun.


New member
You can have any unregistered gun you want this is america and we are all free here and have a right to bear arms and stand are ground against anyone trying to take those rights away from you!!


Staff In Memoriam
Teddy, You are not completely correct regarding the 4473... I also thought this but it was some well versed guys on this board that set me straight...
The ATF won't get the 4473 unless the FFL dealer goes out of business. At that time he has to mail them in. That is how I got my Mossberg 500 returned after 11+ years stolen. If you call ATF about my latest purchase (fictional as I don't own any guns remember) you will not find the make nor model nor serial number come back... This is on both long guns and handguns...