Unregistered Guns

Hey Guys,
I was wondering if it is against the law to possess an unregistered firearm? If you buy a gun from an individual instead of a dealer and it is a cash FTF deal, is it illegal to keep that gun without ever registering it?

So do you guys register all the guns you buy from individuals? I initially thought it was fine to do this but then I remembered reading about people that have been in altercations and one of the charges filed is possessing an unregistered firearm.



most states don't have any regestration requirements. Typically it is only extremely liberal states and municipalities that have the ordinances/laws requiring regestration. Texas isn't one of those states.


Staff In Memoriam
Not in florida either...
I have never owned a gun...:D But if I did own 6 I wouldn't have to register them...;)


New member
Nothing in RI............yet. We have to constantly watch what bills the libs try to sneak through. It is a very common misconception that all guns are required by law to be registered. I blame Hollywood. Every cop show out there uses the line " Was the gun registered?" or "The gun was registered to X,Y,or Z." The news media does the same thing. I guess they hope that they can brainwash everyone into believing it is a necessity. I believe that it is unconstitutional for the Federal government tyo keep a database of gunowners and the serial numbers and descriptions of their firearms. I will have to research that. I do suggest that you get a copy of all of your States firearm laws, and read it thoroughly.



New member
I was wondering if it is against the law to possess an unregistered firearm? If you buy a gun from an individual instead of a dealer and it is a cash FTF deal, is it illegal to keep that gun without ever registering it?

It really depends on the state law. There are only a handful of states that have some type of gun registration. The only one I am familiar with is Massachusetts. Mass law mandates that all transactions dealing with firearms must be recorded with a FA-10 form, not to do so is punishable by prison. The state does not technically call it registration because only the transfer between the buyer and seller, or dealer is recorded, but the firearm's info and serial number is on the form. The records are kept by the State Police. Though there are still plenty of firearms in the state that are not recorded because no one ever bothered to fill out one of those forms when it became mandatory decades ago.
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Thanks for the replies and it is interesting to see what other states do, sometimes to my dismay.

Anyway, I'm TX and I'm certain it isn't an issue here. I have one wheel gun that is unregistered and I'm about to get another gun from an individual this w/end hopefully. Just wanted to verify I'm OK.

So if I buy a gun from a gunstore/dealer or pawnshop that gun gets registered in my name correct. Or if buying from a dealer at a gunshow, the gun is then registered to you?


New member
It really depends on the state law. There are only a handful of states that have some type of gun registration.

In the state of Washington, any firearm which is purchased thru a dealer is basically "registered". The purchaser's name and the firearm serial number go onto the Washington State Patrol database. That database is accessible by any LEO in the state. If a LEO happens to run your name for any reason, up pops a list of all of those firearms you own.

Uncle Ben

New member
Registration is required in CA, but I still don't know if you are automatically registered by buying through the normal legal process w/ an actual dealer....


New member
You are not required to register Long Guns brought in from out of State in CA- only hand guns for which you have 60 days to register them. Of course if you were so inclined to bring in a so called 'Assault' rifle, that would be illegal unless you are a LEO. FTF transfers without doing a Dealer Record of Sale (registration) are illegal. California is ripe with unconstitutionalities, and when my tour of duty is up in this state, I will definately be happy to get back to a 'Free' state- at least one where I can excersize the Freedoms I value- right to keep and bear arms being more important to me than right for me to marry a fellow fellow.

Uncle Ben

New member
Thanks "Copenhagen".
I'm not sure what to do now cause it is well past 60 days since my handgun purchase, yet I have not registered it. I was not aware, and was leaning too much on the guidance of the dealer, I must admit.

My (aparently false) assumption was that since I had to go through a background check, waiting period, pay govt taxes and fees, the registration was automatic within that process.

So, what is the process for registering? How and where do I do it? Will I now be in trouble since it has been too long?

I know it's a lot of quesitons, but thanks for any advice :)


New member
Uncle Ben,

Your gun is Registered. You can bet your kibble that the dealer and the State of CA know you have it, you are fine. That is what the DROS is all about- it is a kind way of saying we are registering your firearm. That is why, legally speaking, (not Constitutionally of course) you have to do it even for a private transfer in California.