Unplanned Purchases


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Just one.

I placed a bid on a Smith & Wesson 59 (1st generation 9mm semiautomatic) on Gunbroker in good condition and didn't expect to win the auction at that price, but did. This was right after I had bought my first gun, also a 9mm semiautomatic -- a Sig Sauer P6. So now I have two guns of the same type -- both full-size semiautomatic pistols, both 9mm, both DA/SA with an exposed hammer, both with a decocker (although the decocker on the S&W is actually an external safety that also acts as a decocker).

Originally, I planned on selling the S&W 59, but after shooting it, I actually like it. The trigger is not as smooth as the Sig, it doesn't fit my hand as well as the Sig, but I don't know, something about it makes me really like it. So I'm keeping it.


New member
One: my Marlin 882SS (.22 WMR)

Just like my purchase of a Browning Buckmark Rifle, I was in the store to buy a Browning A-Bolt in .270 Winchester.

The first time, I walked out the door with the Buckmark. The next time, I walked out the door with the Marlin. The Buckmark was the funnest rifle I have ever owned, but the blowback action tended to punish the shooter with hot pieces of lead and powder. It was traded for a pistol, about 9 years ago.

The Marlin, however, is a different story. It is my go-to rifle, for anything but big game hunting. I absolutely love the rifle, and the way it performs with decent .22 WMR ammo. It is the least expensive rifle in my entire collection; but leaves everything else feeling jealous when I take the 'cheap' one hunting, and leave the 'good' ones in the safe.


New member
I can't say that any were unplanned, but a lot of purchase priorities were shifted around due to falling into great deals, election results, etc.....


New member
i usually research any gun/caliber/cartridge im interested in to find the best price, availability, etc...

but i also keep my eyes open for good deals. if i think its a smokin deal ill get it right there.

if i have doubts, or lack knowelage on the gun/cartridge ill research it first.
i have missed a few bargains, but have kept from getting screwed too.


New member
About 1/2 of my collection consists of unplanned purchases.....well, maybe. There are guns that I read about that I must have and set my sights on obtaining one. And there are the times I troll gun shows and gun stores looking for something to catch my eye. If I can work a favorable deal, I'll buy right there. If I really couldn't afford to or wasn't in a position to buy another gun, I would steer clear of these places.

Same thing about buying a new car. When I think I know what I want, I start to troll the dealerships until I can get something on the hook, exhausting them to the point where I can reel them in.


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My Lee-Enfiield No.4 was an impulse purchase at a gun show. Also, a couple years after I bought my M1 Carbine at a gun show (not really an impulse buy, as I had been keeping an eye out for a good one for a couple years), I moved, and found myself living very close to the business that sold it to me. I thought I would stop in and say hello and check out their store. You guessed it; I walked out with a brand new gun - a Stainless Ruger 10/22 International model.


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Too many...

I just bought a shotgun today because it was on sale!!!

Gotta spur on the economy, right? Right?



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My wife and I own and operate a bike (bicycle) shop. One Sat. morning a guy walks in looking to buy a bike. I give him the sales pitch, he tries a couple out and says, "I'll take that one". I say, "OK, let's write it up". "By the way", he says, "might you be interested in a trade?" "Whatcha got?', I asked. "Are you into guns?" he says. To make this long story short I ended up with a very nice Colt 1911 Combat Commander. This was very much a spur-of-the-moment gun buy that day. My wife just looked at me, rolled her eyes and shook her head. I owe her bigtime!:rolleyes:


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My M1 Garand was a spur of the moment purchase. I walked into my neighborhood gunstore to pick up some ammo for the .243, about 15 minutes before they closed, and I spotted TWO M1's sitting on the shelf. Mind you I'd been itching for one for months now, but didn't have the facilities to get one from CMP nor was I willing to gamble with what quality rifle I was going to get from CMP.

Anyhow there were two for sale and with a face like this :eek: I asked "how much?!" and he gave me the price, which was fair for the good condition they were in. He said "this one's the better one" and showed it to me. After molesting it for a few minutes I handed it back to him and said "I need to go home to grab the money, should I come back tomorrow?" and he said "Well theres been interest in these... but if you're going to get the money and head RIGHT BACK I'll open the door for you"

And that's exactly what I did. My most favorite spur of the moment purchase ever.