Unplanned Purchases

roy reali

New member
How many of the guns that you currently have were purchased on the spur of the moment?

This is a gun that you did not plan on buying. This is a gun you didn't even think you needed. You walked into a gun shop or a gun show not even planning on buying anything. Then you see it, a gun catches your eye and the next you know, it is sitting next to you on the drive home. You may have even regretted the purchase later, but for some reason you couldn't pass that gun up.

I have several firearms that I did not plan on buying. One I am happy about, one was a bust, and a third is somewhere in between the two.

So, how many unplanned guns do you own?


New member

Oh your so bad, all of my purchases were unplanned, and yes spontaneous.

feel better?

your my wife right? under another name, trying to get to me?

hope not.


New member
I've bought 2 guns in the past that I didn't plan on buying. Both were mistakes. Don't have either one anymore and all of the ones I do own and shoot are ones I did research and plan to get.
I'm kind of there with you. At this stage, most of the guns I buy are unplanned....meaning I didn't go to buy a specific gun and I'm not generally looking for a specific gun. But, browsing, especially pawn shops, I often see a gun that interests me. And then I leave, research it, and return if I decide to buy. No spur of the moment purchases. But I will admit I have left the store, done some quick research, and broke traffic laws getting back while sweating that somebody else would pick it up before I could.

Win most, lose a few. Right now, for instance there's a 357 Henry Big Boy at half price of a new one that's calling my name right around the corner. I've resisted it for a couple of days, but soon I'm going to weaken.

Willie Lowman

New member
Impulse buying makes Christmas come every month!

Very few of my firearm purchases were planned. Most of my planning involves what I will have to trade so I can have a new toy.

I have actually bought a Benelli M2 on a coin toss. I actually traded that same shotgun on a coin toss for a Rock River tacticool carbine.

A friend of mine with a minor in satistics says (and he is the first person to tell you stats don't tell you anything) that most people who buy on impulse are happier with what they bought than someone who bought the same thing and researched and planned the purchase.

I bought a S&W 627 on impulse (it was my birthday.) I bought my 22/45 on impulse (it was on sale) I bought a Yugo RPK on impulse (same day as the 627) and traded it on impulse. (month later) My 590... My Sig P226... My USP... Traded two single shots for a youth model 870 for my girlfriend. (she needed a shotgun!) Traded a Nightforce scope for a El Dorado .45 that I wanted to sell but decided to keep...

Double J

New member
Actually, most of my deals were planned...behind my wife's back, purely so I could come home and sleep at night without fear of coming home and finding all my stuff out in the front yard! Not really. Although, I do admit to having an attraction to shiny objects and sometimes I'll buy or swap for a gun I latter find I really don't want. But for me that's part of the fun. Then I can trade for some other shiny object.


New member
Nope not at all(My wife might see this:)) I talk to her about what I would like to get.If she would only let me.There I think I got some cover now.Good Luck


New member
With the exception of my p89,all my purchases have been planed and researched.I had bought a p89 20 plus years ago and traded it off for some work on my truck that i regretted and bought another one cause it never failed to work.
Wish i had the money for impulse buys.....but thinking about it i might be in for a divorce if i did....HAHAHA


New member
very little actually waiting and planning.

I have A.D.D. when it comes to guns :D . I also have a problem with gun auction sites. I always end up clicking on the going going gone button to see what is ending soon and more often than not I find something that I just have to buy :rolleyes: longest time i thought about buying a gun was about 2 days.

recently i caught myself wandering the gun sites and auction sites looking for 300 or 338 magnum rifles (for what reason I have no clue) :confused:

well, i had no need for either caliber (have several in both calibers and variations on the chambering).

well, somebody over on THR had to post a 700 BDL SS DM (with ammo, dies, brass) and I thought about it for a whole minute (maybe). The gun is enroute to my FFL as we speak.

B. Lahey

New member
Very few I have purchased in the last few years were unplanned. I'm a student again, so money is tight. I have to scrounge and save for months even for cheap guns. Expensive guns require a year or more of pinching pennies.

It sucks. If I had more income I would have a sweet 1903 Colt .32 and a Fin Mosin Nagant from the gunshow a few weeks ago, a nice Arisaka from the gunshow before that, along with many other treasures and piles of ammo...

I'll just have to wait.:(


New member
My first gun, sig p220 I bought on impulse.
My second gun sig p229 two-tone I put on layaway for about 3 days and than I came and picked it up
my third gun I traded in my p220 (p220 was used already) for a kimber pro carry II stainless steal. the trade was planned, but the buy was impulse. I was actually going to trade it in and buy a new p220 carry but they had no carry.
my fourth gun I bought was somewhat impulse. I knew I wanted another kimber, I was thinking about buying the kimber ultra, but I was loving the kimber cdp II.


I have 4. Three were Mini-14's One being a factory folder that just appeared so I couldn't resist it and the Wife took it rather well. Then within a week a guys calls and had a nib mini 14 for 300. WHo could say no even with the other purchase so fresh. Then one time I was in Wal mart with the Wife and moseyd over to sporting goods just to pass some time and lo and behold, a stainless Mini-14 in the wrong price slot where a blued one should have gone. I know their prices so it jumped out at me. The policy is if its mis marked, you can buy it right then...but the Wife said no :( but they said a layaway would work for 50 down!...the Wife said yes! Done deal.


New member
Probably 75% of my guns were spur of the moment. This means I went into a shop looking, and bought what I thought was a good deal. Usually it was a gun I intended to buy at some point anyway.


New member
Many many guns.

Not only were the vast majority of the guns I bought, bought on the spur of the moment, I have bought a lot of guns when I had no plan to even look at guns. Most people that know me, know I am into guns. Just as an example, I work at a place with about 700-800 employees. A majority of them know I am into guns. When somebody has a question about guns or wants to buy or sell a gun, they call me either because they know I am into guns or because they started talking about it and someone else told them to call me.
So, a number of times someone has called me and told me that had such and such and wanted to sell it. And, on the spur of the moment I bought it. Usually just because the price was so good I couldn't pass it up but a few times because they had something that I really wanted. Point is, I wasn't even trying to buy a gun.
I recently had a guy from work call me up after he inherited a bunch of guns after the death of his uncle. He wanted help identifying them and getting an idea of what they were worth. He was going to keep a few of them but wanted to sell the rest. I agreed to help him with no intention at all of buying anything. But, after learning the prices he was going to charge I bought four.

To be honest with you, there is no gun that I can think of that I really want, or intend to buy. And this has been the case with me for years.
That being said, I could end up buying a gun tomorrow if the price is right.
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New member
I call them targets of opportunity. Keep the running the list of what you want and when you see it a good price, buy it. I don't actually buy much of anything that I had not already thought about buying at one time or another.

Lee Lapin

New member
You mean like that Elsie hammer gun about two hours ago? Impulse and online auction sites are a BAD combination...


Suwannee Tim

New member
My last unplanned purchase was off Auction Arms, a Mauser, an oddball straight pull bolt action thing, I forget the model. I had a bit of a sick feeling right after I won, I was tempted to call the dealer and offer a cash settlement with him not even shipping. I paid and he sent it, I even paid my dealer to transfer it. Paid to send it back and gave him $50 for his trouble. Cost me maybe $135 for the privilege of finding out that odd ball Mausers have lawyer triggers.:( That is the only gun I have ever bought on pure impulse. I have intentionally trained myself to not buy things on impulse.


New member
I'm bad to see something on the internet and want one, and the hunt is on I just bught a H&K compact 45 never even held one in my hand met guy for ftf 3hour drive away. detonics combatmaster same thing did on gunbroker. Sig p245 found one on way home at local gunshop bought it" 2 weeks after buying a 220R that I never shoot"


New member
I've never made a unplanned purchase. I've come close a few times but never pulled the trigger : ) I have on the other hand made a few trades that were unplanned. I try to do as much research as possible before I make a purchase by reading reviews from various magazines and getting feedback from people on this site and others.
All my gun purchases are planned. If I see one I like on the shelf, I plan on getting it from the shelf to the register. Then i plan on how to tell my wife why I made an "unplanned" purchase. Well.... she says they weren't planned.:)