UN Seizure of US Land....

Dave B

New member
The ultimate objective is to convert as much as half of the land area of the United States to "core wilderness areas," which are off-limits to humans

That might be the stupidist BS I've ever seen posted. I agree that we need more information, but posting garbage like this is not helpful.



New member
Not quite. While it probably means "human exploitation" rather than human contact, consider that there are many "public" lands which are barred from any use by humans. In TN, they are considering shutting down the parks. If they do, you aren't allowed to go in there.

Dave B

New member
there are many "public" lands which are barred from any use by humans

Such as:

(No fair listing DoD and DoE sites)



New member
What bothers me is that so much is the so-called environmental moment only sees things in black and white and operate from the premise that *ANY* human contact with the land is to prohibited.
Exactly! The more I read about the historical interactions between nature and humans, the more I am convinced that we humans are an integral part of nature and have been so since at least 10,000 years ago. I think that it is utter foolishness to think that there is some sort of a Eden-like objective "Nature" devoid of any human participation.

By all means, let us punish those who corrupt the environment, making it toxic for us and other species, but let us not falsely elevate the welfare of other species at our expense and treat ourselves as some sort of interlopers to this mythical "Nature."

Last time I checked, we humans were the primus inter pares of all living beings that are the products of Nature.


Malone LaVeigh

New member
but let us not falsely elevate the welfare of other species at our expense and treat ourselves as some sort of interlopers to this mythical "Nature."

This is a red herring I hear way too much. No one is advocating other species above humans. But it is completely reasonable to protect the very existence of a species when the only cost to us is an economic one. Humans can generally go somewhere else and adjust their economic activity without threatening the specise with extinction. Thast can't be said for other species.

I also don't know of any lands which have been put completely out of public use for environmental reasons. Access is limited to some places, but I for one am glad there are places I can go where I don't have to worry about some jerk-wad in a noisy vehicle invading.

Justin Moore

New member
Dave B,

I'm only tell you what the UN ITSELF is saying, which yes is indeed, garbage:


The UN and property rights
To the framers of the U.S. Constitution, property was as sacred as life and liberty. The inalienable right to own -- and control the use of -- private property is perhaps the single most important principle responsible for the growth and prosperity of America. It is a right that is being systematically eroded.
Private ownership of land is not compatible with socialism, communism, or with global governance as described by the United Nations. Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mao - all took steps to forcefully nationalize the land as an essential first step toward controlling their citizens. The UN, without the use of military force, is attempting to achieve the same result.

The land policy of the United Nations was first officially articulated at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I), held in Vancouver, May 31 - June 11, 1976. Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report sets forth the UN's official policy on land. The Preamble says:

"Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable...."
The Preamble is followed by nine pages of specific policy recommendations endorsed by the participating nations, including the United states. Here are some of those recommendations:

"Recommendation A.1

(b) All countries should establish as a matter of urgency a national policy on human settlements, embodying the distribution of population...over the national territory.

(c)(v) Such a policy should be devised to facilitate population redistribution to accord with the availability of resources.

Recommendation D.1

(a) Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of...achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development whilst assuring that environmental impacts are considered.

(b) Land is a scarce resource whose management should be subject to public surveillance or control in the interest of the nation.

(d) Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land with a view to freely planning development of human settlements....

Recommendation D.2

(a) Agricultural land, particularly on the periphery of urban areas, is an important national resource; without public control land is prey to speculation and urban encroachment.

(b) Change in the use of land...should be subject to public control and regulation.

(c) Such control may be exercised through:

(i) Zoning and land-use planning as a basic instrument of land policy in general and of control of land-use changes in particular;

(ii) Direct intervention, e.g. the creation of land reserves and land banks, purchase, compensated expropriation and/or pre-emption, acquisition of development rights, conditioned leasing of public and communal land, formation of public and mixed development enterprises;

(iii) Legal controls, e.g. compulsory registration, changes in administrative boundaries, development building and local permits, assembly and replotting.

Recommendation D.3

(a) Excessive profits resulting from the increase in land value due to development and change in use are one of the principal causes of the concentration of wealth in private hands. Taxation should not be seen only as a source of revenue for the community but also as a powerful tool to encourage development of desirable locations, to exercise a controlling effect on the land market and to redistribute to the public at large the benefits of the unearned increase in land values.

(b) The unearned increment resulting from the rise in land values resulting from change in use of land, from public investment or decision or due to the general growth of the community must be subject to appropriate recapture by public bodies.

Recommendation D.4

(a) Public ownership of land cannot be an end in itself; it is justified in so far as it is exercised in favour of the common good rather than to protect the interests of the already privileged.

(b) Public ownership should be used to secure and control areas of urban expansion and protection; and to implement urban and rural land reform processes, and supply serviced land at price levels which can secure socially acceptable patterns of development.

Recommendation D.5

(b) Past patterns of ownership rights should be transformed to match the changing needs of society and be collectively beneficial.

(c)(v) Methods for the separation of land ownership rights from development rights, the latter to be entrusted to a public authority."

The official U.S. delegation that endorsed these recommendations includes familiar names. Carla A. Hills, then-Secretary of Housing and Urban Development became George Bush's Chief trade negotiator. William K. Reilly, then-head of the Conservation Foundation, became Bush's Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Among the NGOs (non-government organizations) present, were: International Planned Parenthood Federation; World Federation of United Nations Associations; International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN); World Association of World Federalists; Friends of the Earth; National Audubon Society; National Parks and Conservation Association; Natural Resources Defense Council; and the Sierra Club.1

These ideas came to America in the form of the Federal Land Use Planning Act which failed twice in Congress during the 1970s. Federal regions were created and the principles of the UN land policy were implemented administratively to the maximum extent possible. NGOs were at work even then, lobbying for the implementation of UN land policy at the state and local level. Both Florida and Oregon enacted state Comprehensive Planning Acts. Florida created state districts and multi-county agencies to govern land and water use. Most states, however, were slow to embrace the UN initiative toward centralized planning and land management.

By 1992, the UN had learned to tone down its language and strengthen its arguments. The UN, working in collaboration with its incredible NGO structure, operating at the behest of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN); the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF); and the World Resources Institute (WRI), made sure that the decade of the 1980s was awash with propaganda about the loss of biodiversity and the threat of global warming.

A small snippet.

Its not what Henry Lamb is saying, or what Worldnetdaily is saying. Its what the UN is saying. And most of it is right out of the Communist Manifesto. Collectivist control of land as a means to combat 'social' or 'economic' inequalities.

public control over everything for the 'commond good' is nothing but Socialism, plain and simple.

Its no small wonder that the UN is holding conferences about controlling the civilian ownership of firearms. Its because they know that people won't go along with this nonsense.


New member
Why worry about the UN when our own government is eroding our civil rights and individual freedom?

The last "UN" black chopper I saw turned out to be US govt property.



New member

'cuse me malone, but since you mentioned it, I'll let you can pay MY share of the "economic consequences" of protecting YOUR favorite species/areas. And by the way, species of flora and fauna have been dying out since the beginning of time. Otherwise we would all be over-run with dinosaurs and ferns.


It seems to me that I read somewhere that they are calling them biosperes or whatever, but in acuality are using them as training areas for UN forces. The biospere crap is a whitewash for the people so we wont cause interference.

I'll look around and see if I can locate my references.


New member
And people wonder why gun owners are called gun nuts... now the UN is hiding New World Order stormtroopers in those hippie biosphere things! World Idiot Net Daily is posting scary articles, run for the hills! Majstic 12 are coming to take your guns, liquor and heterosexual women under 200 lbs away!!! Aieeee!!! :rolleyes:

Justin Moore

New member
Notice how CastleBravo doesn't offer one single factual REFUTATION of what the UN itself is SAYING, and what Worldnetdaily is reporting. Instead you see references to 'Majestic 12' and the 'illuminati', which apparently serve as some kind of 'refutation'.

I guess if Dan Rather doesn't report it, its not real. Regardless of the huge stacks of UN documents that demonstrate their push for world socialism. That's not real either, go back to sleep.

However, the idea that there are UN troops training in the biosphere's is just absurd. There are no 'UN Troops' per se. They just plain don't have the funding. That's what the 'Tobin Tax' is for thou. O wait a minute, that's another Majestic 12/Illuminati/Worldnetdaily red herring too.



Repeat after me:
There is no UN Report on the Comission for Global Governance
The Tobin Tax is for the children
There are no UN Biosphere Reserves
The Nature Conservancy isn't a part of the IUCN, they really
don't want your land
If The Dan doesn't report it, its not true
The International Criminal Court isn't real
The UN doesn't plan to remove the security council veto
The UN isn't planning to raise its own army. Their own
documents are lying
Anyone who talks about any of this stuff is a nut, and believes in
'the Illuminati'
You are getting very very sleeeeeeeeeeepy. Go back to SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP


New member
This same thread has been running for several days at GT and CastleBravo has offered the same comments there.

One of the Un's goals in creating the biosphere reserve is to move people from the country into lowrise city housing. People crowded into cities are much more controllable than rural areas.
The UN has stated it is against single family housing as it is non-sustainable developement.
Has anyone visited the larger National Parks lately? If you do stop by park headquarters and look for a recently installed plaque declaring the park to be a United Nations World Heritage Site. If you visit the Liberty Bell you will find one there too.
Anyone who is a nonbeliever can go to the UN website and read the documents for themselves, they don't try to hide their communist agenda. Anyone seeking the truth should also checkout www.jbs.org


Justin Moore

New member
Jeap, all made up by the Illuminati ;)

Any factual refutations there CB? Ya got..........ANY? Like from the UN's own documents?

O wait, those aren't real, and don't really mean what they say anyway ;)

Dave B

New member
Justin, if you want/need to believe that the UN is after your land, guns, SUV, woman, 401-K, whatever, then have at it.

From what I've seen, the UN is every bit as threatening to us as is the attack of the killer tomatos.

The organization has NO power over us, other than what we give it. It's budget is less than that of some large US cities, and its internal bickering makes it pretty much a circus.

What exactly are you afraid of?



New member
The organization has NO power over us, other than what we give it. It's budget is less than that of some large US cities, and its internal bickering makes it pretty much a circus.

That is exactly what I'm afraid is going to happen. From what I've seen so far, some of our elected officials seem only too happy to gradually surrender our sovereignty to the U.N.
If the US has no jurisdiction and the Feds can't arrest me and the state (whether AL or VA) can't touch me, I'd make it greener by growing grass (mj), kill any deer that come too close to the apples and fish as much as I want. What a buncha BS.