ultimate manstopping .357


New member
could be wrong

There's always an exception.. but,

I think if you empty those 5 full load hollow point 357's into anything within 25 ft it is going to go down and stay down. I guess if the guy is 400lbs of blubber he might and I mean might still be thrashing around on the ground but I'm not going to get too close anyway because it is going to be a mess either way.


New member
Ammo choice does matter

I disagree with anyone who states that any hollow point is going to be good enough. I also agree that shot placement is key. Having stated that I would like to elaborate on my views. I feel that there are advantages to choosing the round that best allows a balance between the following criteria; controlability for follow up shots, penatration to reach critical areas of the body, expansion to create greater damage to critical areas, and lastly higher foot pounds of energy while still keeping within acceptable penetration and expansion criteria, because this way the maximan ammount of energy has been absorbed by the body if the form of tissue damage. Having said this I would recomend Double Tap Ammunition as a consideration their 125 gr Gold Dot at 1425 FPS and 563 Foot pounds of energy at muzzel out of a 2 in barrel. If the other criteria could be meet then this load may prove very promising. My 2 cents
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The Body Bagger

New member
I would recomend Double Tap Ammunition as a consideration there 125 gr Gold Dot at 1425 FPS and 563 Foot pounds of energy at muzzel out of a 2 in barrel

either you're a glutton for punishment or never shot 125's out of a snubbie. Heavier .357 mags penetrate better, especially out of a snubbie. Its been proven time and time again. 145gr Win silver tips, various 158's, or 180gr Gold Partitions.
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New member
Not a choice yet just a consideration

I have yet to test fire to determine controlabiltiy, nor have I been able to see any results for penatration and expansion. I do know that Gold Dot bullets normally preform well. However no determination will be made until the above criteria are meet.