Uhhh ... We're Not Sure Anthrax is Terrorist-Related ...


New member
I realize i'm in the minority here....

but i don't think this anthrax thing was done by terrorist. certainly not of the al-qaeda variety, anyway. they're big on destruction and chaos. a handful of letters sent to a handful of people doesn't seem to be their way.

personally, i think that this was the work of a "lone individual", much like the unabomber.

i wouldn't be surprised to be reading about this anthrax dude's manifesto eventually.

if this was the work of the al-qaeda or someone affiliated with them, and they had the access to this much potent anthrax...why wouldn't they just let it loose in an airport or shopping mall or sports stadium? much more dramatic that way, and judging by 9/11 they're big on drama.

just my 2.5 cents :)


New member
It's probably been covered, but "weaponized" refers to two things:

1. powdering the anthrax into very fine spores that are easily inhaled in sufficient quantities to be lethal; and

2. making the anthrax more resistant to antibiotics by growing resistant cultures


New member
Put me down as betting on the towelhead crew having sent the anthrax. I don't much believe in coincidence. The only thing that doesn't add up to me is that the targets of the letters were all on the left side of the aisle (Dachelle, Brokaw, Rather and now Lahey)... Tough to reconcile. These are the last people I'd target if I were OBL. They'd most likely support the terrorists! Any thoughts?


New member
I think the media was involved just to expose it to the public. If there was a letter to a senator it could be more easily kept quiet. If you get major media outlets exposed, they'll broadcast it. The letters that were released had a media type being told to take penicillin whereas the ones to the politicians told them to die. It seems that the media was to be kept alive to report and alarm the public, causing chaos and confusion, and to try to take out some leaders. It seems to me that it was concocted as an act of terror.


As long as Americans continue to ignore the evidence, they will continue to lose their GOD given rights.

How many times has the FBI lied to American public in the last few years?

The Waco FLIR evidence

Ruby Ridge
The rules of engagement at Ruby Ridge, and who issued them.

The bombing of the Olympic Village in Atlanta, and
persecution of an innocent man.

The loss of laptop computers containing information that may have compromised national security, and God knows what else may have
been on those computers.

Hundreds of weapons, lost.

The breach of security, and loss of sensitive info that may have compromised our ability to fight a war with the Chicoms. (The FBI sets the standards for security in these facilities)

The JFK RFK MLK assasinations, IMO covered up.

Anyone who believes what the FBI or any other federal LE agency is reporting, has got to get their heads out of their butts.

And that goes for the media also.

We need to stop listening to their propaganda,
and start watching what they are doing.
What they say and what they do, are 2 different things.

I predict the largest antigun campaign ever, by those bastards in DC.



New member
Had to be furriners! Someone told them the National Enquirer was out in Left Field and they thought that was the same as Left Wing.


New member
Let's see, the letters were sent to Tom Daschle and his a--hole buddy Tom Brokaw and to Sen. Patrick Leahy. I'm not sure why the editor of the New York Post was on the list, but I'm not sure I care.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, which is why all this home security stuff is a two-edged sword. We'd all be fine if W. just abolished all the anti-gun laws and let everyone carry -- open or concealed -- on passenger planes, not that I would fly anywhere on a commercial jet anyway.

I think most of us potential terrorists would agree that the diaperheads are the bad guys in this case, and whether they are or aren't behind this, I am willing to accept any excuse to wipe them out.

When we're done in Afghanistan, I truly hope we move on to Iraq, take over their oil fields, and finally finish what we started under Bush pere.

I would also support the administration if it decided to re-enter Kuwait and take the oil fields there under protective custody.

And, if the Saudis complained, I would support the administration if it decided to protect their oil too.

Hey, it's better than drilling through moose poop, right?
