U.S. signs U.N. Gun Ban Treaty


New member
If there were any lingering questions of where the present administration stands on this issue, all doubts are now removed.
If there were any lingering questions of where the present administration stands on this issue, all doubts are now removed.
I was never under the impression that this administration was the least bit supportive of the 2nd Amendment, but this isn't a 2nd Amendment issue.


New member
I was never under the impression that this administration was the least bit supportive of the 2nd Amendment, but this isn't a 2nd Amendment issue.
But gun regulation is not all tied to the 2nd Amendment.


New member
Yes, this is a bigger threat to the fourth and fifth amendment. Also probably not high on the current administration's priority list.
I don't think they are trying to sneak this in between elections so no one notices. They wanted to do it now so they can point to their attempts when addressing anti-gun voters and say 'democrats did not pass any restrictions on second amendment rights" to pro gun voters who will cool after the senate fails to ratify.
Just political pandering like the AWB that is introduced by one senator every year. I am sure the Brady campaign gives him a big hug even if no one co-sponsors it.


New member
I can see how the wording of the document could lead to national registration of personally owned weapons. Let's say, just for fun, that in the future too many weapons are getting across the border into Mexico illegally. (Sound familiar?) We are required by the treaty to investigate, disclose and terminate such illegal trade. Well, says our government, we can't know the true scope of the illicit trade unless we have a record of all firearms in the country. Only then can we truly see just what is happening. Granted the idea seems far fetched to the common man with common sense, but we are dealing with a government that has apparently abandoned logical thought processes in order to pander to special interest groups and their own twisted mode of thinking. Also, never forget that just because the treaty sits unadopted by our Senate at the present time, it can be ratified at any time in the future. May I also remind you, regardless of how ludicrous the idea sounds, past administrations and particularly the one now in power, have had no qualms whatsoever trampling on the Constitution and our rights in order to further their political goals.


New member
Just out of curiosity, could a future Sec of State recind the signature? That is "un-sign" the traty?



New member
Yes formally it should be ratified by the senate for it to take effect but I remember hearing somewhere that there are treaties we honor that we're never ratified. Some loophole that basically says we will honor it until such time as we ratify it. So if it never gets formally brought before the senate it's never nullified, so we just keep honoring it...

Frankly I think this treaty has been blown out of proportion. I don't like it, and I think it's a step in the wrong direction but I don't think it's the end of the world as some people keep saying it is.