U.S.Marines readopting the 1911


New member
Your not going to be effective at 400 because of the very short site radius...

Well....yes, you can be effective at 400yds. with a pistol. With practice of course.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way insinuating that I am, I'm not. But there have been though's that have shot the even shorter airweight revolvers at incredible distances. While shorter site radius does make it much more difficult, it does not make it impossible.

Too, I'm also not implying that whomever(Marines or otherwise) buys these new .45's will automatically be able to do this, they won't. Just that shooting a pistol at long range is not impossible.

As far as the .45 being re-instated as 'the weapon of choice' for some military personnel, I can't see why this is so surprising. These will not be the same 45's of old. They are updated with the latest upgrades possible and will most likely be shooting the latest in 45 ammo as well.... I.E.the new 45's will cycle JHP as well as FMJ due to up-graded bbl's.

Heck, when the 9mm first came out here in the US, it was questionable as a SD round as well. Technology has made it the effective SD round it is today.
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New member
I love the 1911 and I'm not bashing on it, but I cant figure out why those guys would want to carry a 1911?
I'd look for higher capacity and lighter weight than the typical 1911.
Although I'd definitely carry a high cap poly STI 1911, best of both worlds to me.
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New member
"15 rounds vs 7 is better.."
Depends on what those 7 rounds are to those 15 rounds. And what application there being used for. 9mm isnt good as a 12 gauge birdshot shell for in home close quarters encounter. but the birdshot shell isnt worth anything outside 30 yards unless you got one helluva choke. i for one am a 1911 fan. I dont care for double stack mags and sa/da triggers. i prefer .45 over 9mm but thats just personal preference 9 works fine.


New member
If one could do 600 yards with a pistol, why we would we need an M4?

We've had several years of huge debates about the adequacy of the 5.56 at 300 meters, with grudging acceptance that the M262 round might be effective at 600 meters in the hands of a well-trained and experienced marksman.

There are two key reasons why pistols haven't dominated the infantry world, neither or which are muzzle energy or trajectory. The first is the single grip on pistols -- it will never be as stable as the rifle with a hand on the forearm, the other hand on the pistol grip, and a third (highly important) rest tightly against the shoulder. The second is the limited optics available for pistols.

We haven't yet come up with a way to get that three-point support aligned with the shooting eye in a package that is convenient to carry as a pistol. Some have come close, but when it is done, the picture will change...


New member
Anybody who can hit a human sized target at 500 to 600 yards with a pistol, other than mere dumb luck, is a demigod of handguns. There might be a person or two who can do it but advertising a pistol as being accurate at that range or even talking about military personnel doing it is laughable.


New member
Agree KyJim,

'Demigods' of handguns such as the likes of Elmer Keith , Bob Munden and probably a few more exhibition shooters. The gun was capable of shooting the distance but there's very few that will pick up that same gun and accomplish the same feat.


New member
Eh... I love new toys as much as the next guy, but why exactly do Marines, even MEU, need to carry an almost $2000 1911? What exactly is being offered here that an off the shelf G21, P220, USP, etc, can't do for half the price or less?

Jammer Six

New member
Not a vet, huh? Or a parent?

When you are leading other folk's children somewhere where they can get killed, you have a moral duty to provide them with the very best equipment you can get. Money doesn't figure into it.


New member
Merad; because congress gave them the power do do so if they choose....and it's a good choice.

DOD, and then every branch and command fights for their budget at specified periods; either they get it or they don't. Arguing what they do with the funds after their approved budget request is useless.

1911 expenditures are too small to worry about, there's much bigger budget issues in other areas...such as how many bases we have in Europe...which is ridiculous.


I'm not sure what you'd be shooting with a .45 at 600 yards, but if it was a person - he or she is probably not shooting back at you with a handgun.

I'll take an M14, thanks


New member
Slamfire said...

Special Operations Groups can buy equipment that will never be issued to regular forces.

These guys get to play with everything.

A potential purchase of 4,000 M1911's is nothing compared the 2009 Contract which 450,000 M9's were purchased by the Army.

Which made me think of this...
If you factored in the number of Marines vs. soldiers in the Army...4,000 handguns becomes a much larger number (%)

And just for giggles...a Marine (my son) and his 1911.


New member
>>a Marine (my son) and his 1911.<<

Hey, I was about that size when I got out of Marine boot camp back in 1962! (not anymore though!) :p