U.S.Marines readopting the 1911


New member
I fear that just claiming a post is not a drive-by, will not make it so.

You should add some commentary of your own.


New member
I suggest you do a little research on Mr. Lippard and some of his...uh, claims.

Nice fit on that beavertail by the way.


New member
When Lippard was mentioned, (this is the second thread I believe about his guns), I just had to laugh out loud.

If such claims about our government are true, and such claims start to use the aforementioned Lippard designs, ...

IMHO they would be better suited going to one of the big 3 for 1911, (Wilson, Brown, Baer), can also include Nighthawk, or even pistols by Springfield, or S&W. Apologies to companies I left out, I am sure there are many proven ones out there.


New member
The Marine Corps Times article linked in the Guns.com article only confirms that the Colt and Springer pistols were submitted for the competition, and does not state which pistols are still in the running.


The Lippard pistol is conspicuously never mentioned in the MCT article. Lippard may have submitted one or more samples, but this fact is not confirmed nor denied in either article.

In fact, the Guns.com article is slyly worded IMHO; it does not explicitly state that the Lippard pistol is actually being considered by the Marines at all. The article discusses the merits of the Lippard pistol, and states that it was "designed specifically to suit the MEUSOC needs", but it never definitively states that the pistol is actually part of the competition. (If you think I'm kidding, read the Guns.com article again, carefully.) :rolleyes:
Ah yes, Mr. Lippard and the 'only' offensive 1911 600 yard pistol out there with future 4000 fps and full auto multi-barrel 1911-A5 designs. See previous discussion here... http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=468761&highlight=marines+1911

I wonder how many times the Marines are going to readopt the 1911.

Let's see, they had the MEUSOC 1911 in 2001

Building them in 2002...

A freshly out Marine reporting all force recon marines issued 1911s in 2005 in theatre...
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People in the military are as biased as any one of us here on this forum. And some of the biased people control budgets.

We always get excited when some military somewhere selects a pistol that we like - (I was happy when the Mark 23 was selected by USSOCOM.)

I just don't think it means that much anymore.

It's like saying that the company that is awarded the contract to pour concrete for Illinois roads is the best concrete company... :rolleyes:

Chesty Puller used a .45 so the Marines will never be able to use any other sidearm.


New member
Doesn't the .45 drop like a rock after 50-75 yards? What would the hold off be for a 600 yard shot with a .45? I'm thinking it would be near vertical.

I checked out the website. I always love it when people mention "TOP SECRET" stuff they can't talk about.
"A5 Pistol Model
The A5 model system is not part of the 1911 platform. Slated for military use in 2100 it is the most advanced offensive pistol ever conceived and has no civilian use. Its key features are classified except it fires over 400 rounds a minute. The term "A5" in the name is to hide its design capability from view. It can be introduced today as a Close Quarters Battle Machine Pistol. It is one of the experimental weapons of Karl Lippard Designs that are highly classified."
(My mistake, I didn't realize it's not slated for service for 89 more years.)
Doesn't the .45 drop like a rock after 50-75 yards?
No, it isn't too bad until after 100-150 yards.

At 600 yards, however, you are looking at close to 1200" of drop. So you do have a bit of a high hold. The guy apparently shoots his pistols at long range quite a bit and is accomplished at doing so, but that doesn't mean it will readilty transfer to general soldiers anymore more than giving them revolvers will mean they shoot like Jerry Miculek.
What's another name for a "relative link"?

A drive by.

You get a pass on this one because everyone else's discussion pulled it out...


New member
At 600 yards, however, you are looking at close to 1200" of drop. So you do have a bit of a high hold.

DNS that right there is funny.:D I almost spit strawberries on my computer.:eek:


New member
It's like saying that the company that is awarded the contract to pour concrete for Illinois roads is the best concrete company...

The best company, no but I think it shows us what the best material is....:D


USMC, Kimber 1911a1 .45acp; US Navy...

1st off, I didn't read all the links & articles yet, but I do know the US Marines new Spec Ops Command did in fact contract for a special 1911a1 model .45acp. Kimber had the US govt contract but I think they ended the version sold to the US general public; Desert Warrior.
It should be noted too that the USMC is NOT a seperate dept in the armed forces but a part of the Dept of the Navy.
Efforts to create a new USMC dept have never worked out.

The M9/9mm sidearm will continue to see major service until 2016.
Former SECDEF Robert Gates stated that new M9 pistol trials were one of the many DoD programs cut or reduced due to $$$ problems.

I toted a Remington Rand WW2 era 1911a1 .45acp for 12mo in USFK(South Korea) in the early 1990s. The pistol wasn't the "bee's knees" & a 1911/1911a1 model is not my 1st choice for a duty sidearm.
Does it have great features? Yes. Can it defend you in a gunfight? Yes. Are there other pistols in 2012 that can work better? Absolutely! :)

Uncle Malice

New member
It's like saying that the company that is awarded the contract to pour concrete for Illinois roads is the best concrete company...

Being born and raised in Rockford.... I can say that this absolutely not true. Those roads were/are terrible!!

Moved to AZ in 2008.. much nicer here. :)
Te Anau said:
I've never even heard of the Lippard design.
I have. He's the guy who claims his 1911s are accurate at 400 meters. Actually, in the link provided he has now upped it to 650 meters. Yeah -- like anyone could usefully engage an enemy at 650 meters with a .45 caliber handgun that's equipped with iron sights offering about a 6-inch sight radius.

Don't ... think ... so.


New member
I work in the 'special operations capable' world. We can use whatever guns we want (within limits). Some guys use 1911s, some use M9s, M11s, G17s, G21s, and even Sig 226s... Bottom line, I could do a post every day about what 'operators' use in whatever branch I see that day. There are a ton of guns that pass NATO testing and (with the exception of custom 1911s) and pretty much all of them are fair game for special operations teams.