Tucker OWNED Carolyn McCarthy on MSNBC last night!! (Video)


New member
Awww, now that's just uncalled for. Making fun of her looks is a low blow. Let's stick to making fun of her for her stupidity. :D
Barrel shrounds are very dangerous. A person can easily get their pinky finger stuck in one of the holes and give themselves a small cut (or am I the only one to have ever done that). I can see where the average moron walking the street would need to be protected from these horrible creations. :rolleyes:


New member
Ok, now we need to find the footage of Feinstein in '94, when she tried to demonstrate in front of a committee and cameras, the ease of operating assault rifles by trying to place an M1 carbine mag in a MAK90?
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New member
Ok, now can anyone find a video of Feinstein in '94, when she tried to demonstrate in front of a committee and cameras, the ease of operating assault rifles by trying to place an M1 carbine mag in a MAK90? An aid came over after her fumbling and showed her which mag went to the AK. Pure comedy.

HA! I'd love to see that.


New member
I hope both Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart play that clip. This type of idiocy is perfect for their audience, and fits right into both of their shows. She could at least be a bronze "worst person in the world" for not knowing her own legislation.

Play it? They'll probably ending making one of their own.:D


New member
I know this post is old, but I just watched the video. I am embarrased that people like this run our country. "Shoulder thing" made me hang my head in shame. God help us.


New member
I think it's the whole "shoulder thing that goes up" that got me. That's somthing a two year old would say. I would say one year old but they usually put things in their mouth then make funny faces. But then again on her we will never be able to tell.