Tucker OWNED Carolyn McCarthy on MSNBC last night!! (Video)


New member
This is so awesome.
Video Link

Tucker Carlson: What's a barrel shroud and why should we regulate it?
McCarthy: I think the more important thing is...(*stall stall stall stall*)
Tucker Carlson: I read the legislation. What's a barrel shroud and why should we regulate that?
McCarthy: (stall stall stall blah blah)....I'm not saying it was the best bill..
Tucker Carlson:Do you know what a barrel shroud is?
McCarthy: I actually don't know what a barrel shroud is...
Tucker Carlson: OK 'cause it's in your legislation...
McCarthy: I think it's "a shoulder thing that goes up." :rolleyes:
Tucker Carlson: No it's not.

She got owned!
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New member
Reminds me of certain legislators thumbing through pictures of firearms to determine which ones should be labeled as assault weapons.


New member

I hope the clip is played over and over when she runs for re-election...

Long Island, here is your elected representative who does not even know the meaning of her own proposed legislation!


New member
Too often the anti's trot out these widows/parents/children of people who were killed by guns and make them their figureheads. They can't help but be emotionally invested and they make sympathetic figures. They aren't working with facts, only emotion. By and large, they don't know anything about guns and aren't willing to learn. How can they propose to ban or restrict something that they know nothing about?

She lost her husband on the long-island railway because of a lunatic. How many lives might have been saved on that train if there had been a CCW or two in the crowd?

Of course, we have sympathetic figures on our side too. (witness Suzanna Gratia Hupp, whose parents were both killed in the massacre at Luby's caffeteria in Killeen, TX) The difference is that when they are on our side, they at least know what they are talking about. :D


New member
You know, it's one thing to parade around dead bodies to push your agenda. It's a whole different ball game when you're parading your dead husband.

My god. Alright everyone, let's all use our web 2.0 and social networking skills and make this video spread. By the way, WHAT IS a barrel shroud?


New member
Barrel shroud = Round piece of metal with holes that is extremely dangerous, especially when coupled with a disturbed assault weapon.....



New member
Shoulder Thing that goes UP=

Shoulder Things assist the shooter in aiming from the hip. They make the weapon much more deadly by looking SCARY!!! When you have the dreaded "UP" model the assault weapon can shoot even faster........

As you can see this particular disturbed weapon has the deadly barrel shroud AND the shoulder thing that goes up. This weapon is SUPER DEADLY!!! It can even shoot on its own by its own will.


New member
That was awesome! We need more video's like that with the anti's coming out looking like complete asses.


New member
I hope both Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart play that clip. This type of idiocy is perfect for their audience, and fits right into both of their shows. She could at least be a bronze "worst person in the world" for not knowing her own legislation.


New member
I could go on for hours about just how much I hate Tucker Carlson.

And yet, I still cannot stop watching this video over and over again. It gets funnier every time.

"No, it's not."

What a tool. Her, not him. Well, this time. ;)



Lol, haven't heard that since I quit playing Dii 3 years ago! (35 yrs IS too old to be playing silly internet games, isn't it?)

I can't believe that idget admits she doesn't even know what it is, when it's in her legislation that SHE introduced!