Trigger Spring for P320?

Walt Sherrill

New member
Print out this listing and share it with him. And let US be the bad guys, rather than you.

(If you have a word processor, edit/copy the whole message chain and past it into a document. Then you can edit out some of the harsher comments, and give him the edited document to ponder. Just delete THIS paragraph!)

I've made a number of mistakes over the years buying guns that didn't suit me.

If he doesn't sell it and get something that suits him better, he's simply not going to shoot it, and that's an expensive paperweight.

That sort of mistake is NOT uncommon -- especially among folks new to handguns.

Some of the guns I sold or traded away would be fine, now -- but I'm not the same shooter I was then.


New member
print out this listing and share it with him. And let us be the bad guys, rather than you.

(if you have a word processor, edit/copy the whole message chain and past it into a document. Then you can edit out some of the harsher comments, and give him the edited document to ponder. Just delete this paragraph!)

i've made a number of mistakes over the years buying guns that didn't suit me.

If he doesn't sell it and get something that suits him better, he's simply not going to shoot it, and that's an expensive paperweight.

That sort of mistake is not uncommon -- especially among folks new to handguns.

Some of the guns i sold or traded away would be fine, now -- but i'm not the same shooter i was then.

best response in the entire thread!!!!!!