Trent Lott just stepped down as Republican leader of the Senate


New member
... violation of the PC code. Is that what America is coming to? ...

It's not coming to that, it's been that for at least since Nixon. Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times (a rare conservative newsrag) calls it the Great Democratic Baloney Slicing Machine. The dems complain about some specious "wrong," the reps trip all over themselves trying to meet them halfway (example show they're not racist in this case) and the dems demand half of the reps remaining half. It's an old tactic and the reps fall for it every time. Somebody ought to get a clue.


New member
Well, I see at least Daschle wants to make sure we all "confront the Republican Party's record on race" or some such hooey. :barf:

I swear, this little witchhunt is almost enough to make me join the GOP myself.



New member
David, his most recent wretchedness can be found on UTGOA's site , but that is certainly not the only time he's supported anti-gun legislation in the last few years.

I'll try to dig up some more references.


New member
Well, that ws easy. Go here and just search on "Hatch" and you'll get a list of links to his "gun grabbing ways", as UTGOA puts it.

A good summary is here, in Sarah Thompson's article, Not Rational Anymore. Here's an excerpt:

Most of you are probably familiar with Senator Hatch, and his abominable S. 254, the Juvenile InJustice Bill. Now that the NRA has done everything possible to give Hatch cover for his gun-grabbing ways, I expect the bill will explode out of the conference committee and land right in the middle of Clinton’s desk. Hatch’s own version of the bill (not including amendments by other anti-gun senators) includes the following:

Mandatory trigger locks with each sale
Mandatory registration of all gun show and pawn shop transactions
Mandatory registration of all firearms repairs
Mandatory 5 year prison sentence for parents whose children responsibly use certain semiautomatic firearms without written permission.
Increasing BATF funding by $40 million
Mandatory lifetime ban on firearms ownership for anyone who commits certain crimes as a juvenile

Hatch’s excuse is that these are "pro-gun" provisions that will "protect" gun owners. Apparently he believes that if this bill is passed, the anti-gun forces will simply go away.

Other notable accomplishments of Utah’s senior senator include:

Overseeing the Waco cover-up and declaring that the government had done nothing wrong
Voting against a prohibition on US troops serving in combat under UN command
Voting to confirm notoriously anti-gun Surgeon General, David Satcher, an advocate of fraudulent anti-gun "junk" science.
Voting to confirm liberal, activist judges including Richard Paez, Marsha Berzon, and Margaret Morrow
Refusing to allow the Freedom from Union Violence Act to emerge from the Senate Judiciary committee, thus endorsing violence as legitimate political activity.
Supporting the Chemical Weapons Treaty
Supporting taxpayer funding for the National Endowment for the Arts