Tools or Weapons

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yeah the range where im a member...its big time verbotten to say the word gun or weapon. So stupid. There was even talk about loosing your membership over it. Got into it once with a bunch of the idiots who were upset that I referred to some military type rifles as weapons..."they are not weapons" came their idiotic response.. Lol yeah they werent engineered with improved design and accuracy to smoke some skinny coming up on you in the dark..hmmm Some firearms are what the are...

Some are for target shooting
Some are for hunting
Some are War
Some are for hanging on the wall...

but they are all well as tools..


LOSE my membership over it?

More like I'd RENOUNCE my membership over it.

Sounds like you got more of a crew of PC pansies there than gun owners/enthusiasts.

The day I can't say that my gun is a GUN?! Puhlease. :mad:



yeah well its an indoor range..and ive been there almost 15 years or so...anyways ive got a 24hr pass..and its all private so i try and go when the idiots are there.

General description of these

-Really fat, some have openly griped about diabetes while chain smoking cigarettes..
-Some claim to have diabetes
-wearing tan or blue(tactical?) vests covered in hundreds of useless patches..on clubs, courses, their status levels..
-Baseball hats..covered in pins and patches.

hmmm I dunno...I have gotten in crap a couple of times using silohuette targets and doing quick rapid 2 to the chest and 1 to the head practice. (these are banned as well).

Rapid fire is banned as well. Lol... my large collection of bananna 10-22 clips is considered obscene...

but its gets like 40 below here in the winter and its indoors and it has a pop hey, could be worse right?

Silent Trigger

New member
Hmm... VERY INTERESTING Thread indeed.

I've never thought of firearms as being anything more than a "weapon" and never a tool. Guess I've heard it all now. Well maybe I'll try it on for size, the next time I say I'm going out for a few hours with my tool box it'll be code for I'm taking half my arsenal with me on my person because I need my box of tools to fix problems. :rolleyes:

...uhhh, yeah right.

Firearms are weapons designed from the ground up to be as such be it for hunting, warfare or self protection. The Sawzaw I used when plumbing was a TOOL for cutting through PVC pipe. While that could be a weapon it's a tool first.


Is the pop in the pop machine free to members like yourself?
If not, they ain't doin' you any favor.

But really, I know it may be all convenient and everything, but they really are being dicks about this.

No this, no that, no practice of anything that might actually be a life-saving skill.

I wouldn't go there, but that's just me.



yeah what can you do though? iTs 2 blocks from my house. The other ranges are either very far away..have really limited hours..are really small...or are outdoors..

yeah and the pop machine regularily steals my money..or when i push gives me Fresca..gross.

But its either that or dont i just go late at night..and avoid 90% of them..theres others late at night I meet who feel the same way as me on them..


459, if you go late at night, does that mean you can break the rules you said you don't like, such as the double-taps and stuff?

If not, then what's the difference, except for not having to see/hear the moron fat lardasses in the patch suits?

I just think that if you keep going back for more, that's all the reason you should stop complaining about how bad it is...


Glock 31

New member
I was not trying to come up with a cop out for the ownership of a deadly implement, I was merely trying to come up with an idea of defense against anti-gunners. Had I known it had been tried before in Australia, I would have thought about it more. The truth is I don't trust the general public with my safety and the thought of the U.N. eventually forcing me to give up my only means of real protection is frightening. I take martial arts but that won't help me against a pcp electrified junky looking for cash. My glock is essentially and quite possibly could be my life. If anyone knows of cutting edge defenses against this U.N. persecution, I would like to hear it. After all, when there are no more legal gun owners in the U.S., that will only leave illegal gun owners, who tend to snub their nose at law and order as a daily fact of life.:cool:


yeah well at like 3am on Sunday..its all good...

The special people like to be in bed early so its ok. They have a very comprehensive range sureveillance system..but unless your are stupid and shoot out a light or cause damage..they dont view teh tapes..

so thats why I stick around..
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