Took the Plunge -- New Rifle!

Smokey Joe

New member
Bushnell comparison

Fremmer--you asked abt the diff between the Bush. 3200 and 4200. I have and use one of each and the diff is not great, EXCEPT in very poor light (like dawn or dusk, the best times of the day for whitetail hunting!) where the 4200 is notably brighter and easier to see thru. In better than lousy light conditions you won't see a difference IMHO. That said, if you got the $$, go for the 4200 and get the extra edge.

Another vote here for the .308 for deer. Within 200 yd, Bambi'll never know the difference, IF you are well practiced and place the shot right. But that'd be true no matter what you're shooting, from .22 short to .50 BMG!!!

And I'm a .30-'06 man myself!

There are magnum snobs just like there are lots of other kinds of snobs. I listen politely to them when they spout off to me, and smile behind their back. I can out-shoot most of them, and with practice so can you.


New member
The 308 is an fine cartridge. With factory loadings, the 308 and 30-06 are too close to even talk about differences...and the 308 will take any game in North America (probably not the best choice for the large bears and bison, but neither is the 30-06!)

Remington makes fine rifles. I think you have a nice just go out and get a Leupold!


New member
Sounds like there is a meaningful difference between the 3200 vs. 4200, and the Vari-X II vs. III. So for now (during the summer), I'll have the Tasco mounted on the new rifle so that I can practice shooting (I'm dying to shoot it this Weekend!). In the meantime, I'll try to save enough money to get a top of the line scope, and try to get it mounted before November.....

One thing about the really good used scopes: I've never see 'em mounted on used guns that are for sale. People keep the good scopes and sell the rifles!


New member
308 is my favorite round. Check out the Zeiss Conquest glass. At around $400, it is the best glass at this price. It makes most of the $200-$300 scopes look like crap. Spend the extra $100-$200, and get a great scope.

Smokey Joe

New member
Bushy 'Scopes

Fremmer--Auction Arms, has a Bushnell Elite 3200, 3-10x40. Current hi bid is $208.95. Item # 6552762. Auction closes Sat 6/25.

There is also a Bushnell Elite 4200, 2.5-10x40. Firefly reticle. Rainguard coating. Asking price is $325 (no bids). Item # 6230606. Auction closes tomorrow.

Both of these are darn decent prices, IMHO! If you got the $$, go for the 4200, for the added clarity, the rainguard coating, and the firefly reticle.


New member
Thanks for the info, Joe! I wish I could submit a bid. But I'm broke. So I'll have to wait a while to buy the scope. Sure was nice of you to check though! I appreciate it.

P.S. I would probably bid on the 4200!