Today I have sinned!! TaurusPT-145


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I just picked up the Taurus PT 145! What a great weapon, nice & compacted, loys of fire power.:)


New member
Today I have sinned!! TaurusPT-145

You are in serious need of counseling.:D

My original complaint on two PT145's I shot was the trigger. I thought it was pretty terrible, but I know they have good improvements in that area. I would like the newer ones with improved trigger.


New member
Zombie Thread Alert

This was started in 2001, some folks who posted are probably not even here any more.

Just a heads-up before everyone jumps on it. ;)


New member
Seriously guys, you should be flogged for reviving this. Start a new thread, instead of accolades, you're gonna get a full ration of dookie:)


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New member
As with almost every gun out there...there is always a few that don't live up to the great reports that others are having. My buddy bought a PT-145 because of the size and the price point. We brought it along with us to our usual range day and tried it out...we could not hit anything that we were aiming at, neither us nor the folks around us, we thought that the trigger was not very friendly either. My buddy had some issues with breaking it down for cleaning too. Any how, he still brings it to the range and he still shoots through a few magazines in hopes that it's just a "Breaking In" thing, but after 2 years and a few hundred rounds, I think that he bought a lemon. I for one and those that shoot with us...and probably for everyone at the range that he asks to shoot's not serving Taurus as good advertising. Glad you all found yourselves good ones.