Tired of hearing about Remington 700's!


New member
I'd like to know where all the accurate Remington 700's can be bought. I have had many over the years and few were accurate out of the box.

I get so tired of the “The Remington 700 is the best rifle made" comments that I could just crap. Out of the dozen or so that I have owned, and many that I have shot I have seen maybe 5 truly MOA rifles out of them all. Now I am talking about factory rifles with factory ammunition.

Now the Model 7's, 7600's and 760's are a different story. I have yet to own or shoot a Remington pump that did not shoot at least one factory load MOA. Also the Model 7 is a great rifle, which is why I purchased a Model 7 Predator in 243 this year. In my experience they are much more accurate out of the box than your run of the mill 700.

I know they can be made to shoot but geesh, aren’t they suppose to do that right out of the box. I give credit where credit is due, yes some shoot very well but they are not the best made, no matter how you compare them.

Heck I have a Marlin 22 MAG that at 100yrds will out shoot 75% of the factory 700's out there. That rifle actually almost got me beat up at the local range.

One day I was shooting my Marlin for something to do when the guy next to me pulled out his 700 in 270WIN. He proceeded to shoot a few 2" groups, pulled out another box of ammunition and shot a 1.5" group. He started talking about how great his 700 was and blah, blah, blah. So I bet him $20 I could shoot a smaller group with my $100 Marlin 22MAG inside of his smallest group. He laughed and said it’s a bet. I then produced a .5" group inside his 1.5 incher and he was fighting mad! If it were not for some bystanders I am sure that he would have kicked my butt, seeing as he had a good 50 or 60 pounds on me and was totally ticked.

All I'm saying is please if you have a 700 that shoots just say so, don’t try to tell everyone that 700's are the greatest rifle made and all others are junk.
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Fat White Boy

New member
Sorry to say- I have only one 700, a VLS in .308, and it is as accurate as advertised. I changed out the stock and lost none of the accuracy. My son bought a PSP in .308 and it too took very little work to put them all in the bull. I also own a Winchester Model 70 in .270 win that is just as accurate as our 700's...


New member

My experience has been the opposite of yours. I've actually had enough Savage/Tikka posts for a while.


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I have just had really bad luck with them. I will say this, I own 3 BDL Varminters that you couldnt buy from me. But alas, they were built many years ago and they simply dont make them like that anymore.


New member

I'm glad to see Savage finally getting credit were it is due. Tikka's on the other hand I have no love for. I think they out number 94's and 700's on the used racks lately. If they are so great why are they always on the second hand market?


New member
But Savage's are just SO accurate :D. Mine is chambered in .223 and easily shoots .224" 100 shot groups at 2 miles. :rolleyes:


New member
But Savage's are just SO accurate . Mine is chambered in .223 and easily shoots .224" 100 shot groups at 2 miles.

Like my step dad used to say "the first liar doesn't stand a chance".

I have never had a bad shooting Remington and every one I've ever owned was a 3/4" group rifle or better...and mostly better. My 223 shoots ragged holes at 100 yds right out of the box. But then again, most 223's shoot like that. But from the 222,22-250,243,6mm,257 Bob,270,308,3006,338, to the 350 Mag, they all shoot very good.

King Ghidora

I can't speak for all Savage guns but I have two and both are tack drivers. The first shots I took with my 110 .06 at 100 yards were about a quarter of an inch apart. I don't always shoot that well but it wasn't the only time I've shot that well with that gun. I can shoot a good group most of the time but I have my share of flyers anymore. That probably has more to do with my age and my health than anything though.
My 700 with a jewell trigger does quite nice. with it all clamped up in a sigh vise and a sand bag under the stock I can shoot .270" with factory federal 180gr at 100yds. As for M-80, the 150Gr military, I'd be lucky to hit a roll of electrical tape. I've got about $1700 so maybe thats what it takes to make a model 700 shoot well.


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New member
I dunno, chappell. I got the 700 SPS Varmint in .223 with the thought that I would see what it would do out of the box, before I consider something like a H.S. Precision stock and any custom work. For twice the money, I could have gone with a 700 Sendero, but I figured I'd start basic because maybe I'd rather have a thumbhole stock or something different than a standard Sendero.

On our first trip out, we shot a 5/8" group, although 3/4 - MOA was typical. (100 yds., 52 grn Blackhills match) While I know that's not a .5 or one tattered hole, I’m plenty happy. And that’s a factory rifle – factory ammo, and not a Sendero. No wonder some folks say, “The Remington 700 is the best rifle made." :D While my experience is limited to my 700, it’s enough to put me in the pro 700 camp. It would be hard to talk me out of another one.

And I might have turned my back on Remington after the '06, 742 I owned. It flat out wouldn't shoot anything you could call a group. All you could do was keep pulling the trigger and add prayers. (In a freak hunting accident, that 742 split the atrium off the heart of a running muley. As best I can figure, I must have been way off the deer when I pulled the trigger. :rolleyes:


New member
+1 guntotinfool

Honestly, I've spent a lot of $$$ to get my rem 700 to shoot like I want it too. It's a .338 RUM, so at first I blamed the recoil and got a muzzle brake; no more bad ol' recoil/scope eye, still poor groups. O.K., how bout a glas bed job; still groups 2" ;good enough for munute of moose but c'mon! A trigger job?!?! O.K., done... 2" groups. etc. etc. Finally I'm almost through the last of my Tubbs final finish bullets; things are improving! What really bites is that my Tikka T3 (just for you j. Chappell) shoots pretty darn good out of the box. Not "great" if you are a bench rest shooter or serious varminter, but pretty good for a "work up load". Or maybe the Remmy shot fine all along and me spending $$ was a self fulfilling prophecy:confused:
See my range reports for the data on both of these rifles.
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New member
Yeah, them Tikkas, sub MOA all day long. I love 'em and have 'em. There, something else besides 700's. When I hear all that talk about 700's, I simply close my eyes, put my fingers in my ears, and sing "La La La" as loud as I can. It works, Chapell. Try it.;)


New member
j.chapell said:
I get so tired of the “The Remington 700 is the best rifle made" comments that I could just crap.

You better stock up on toilet paper because its true. Since 1962.

Maybe some other bolt action will be able to claim being the U.S. military's sniper rifle platform of choice for over 42 years, but it does not look likely.

On something I will spend good money on I want it to be the best, and 42 years of battle proven sniper performance sells me more than any match grade rifle you can show me.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Uh, battle proven due to being the low bidder maybe. :rolleyes:

It's just a simple action to work with and a pain to glass bed compared to other actions. But they are inexpensive. Main reason you do not see as many 700 actions in bench rest any more - too much work to get them competative. Cheaper in the long run to get a dedicated benchrest action like Stolle.

Now that Big Green's barrels seem to be lacking, the accuracy claim is going downhill fast.
Junk Model 700's are why Tikka's and Savage's sell like hotcakes.

My experience with Model 700's is very similar to the OP's---and won't own another.

Have a Browning X-bolt that's an absolute tack driver and considering a stainless Ruger or T3 for a back-up rifle----don't have the funds for a stainless X-bolt otherwise I'd have another one.


New member
I have no problems with the Model 700's I've shot or owned. They continue to be my first choice with a centerfire rifle.


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When ever i see posts like this one, I tend to lean toward the problem being one of the software, not the hardware.

Well, thank you for proving my point. You Big Green fans simply cannot give credit to any other firearm out there.

If you have read the initial post and one of my follow ups I give Remington credit where it is due. I also state that this is all in my experience with them.

Being a target shooter and varmint hunter I have shot more than my share of .2's and .3's. None of my rifles that perform at this level have been rebarreled or have aftermarket triggers. If anything they have had trigger jobs and been full length pillar bedded. Of all of my target/varmint rifles that shoot to this level I have 2 early Remington BDL varminters that will more than hold their own, one in 222 and the other in 223.

As I am more than capable of shooting well, I know for a fact that all of the Remingtons that I have shot and called junk are just that.

I have owned and shot rifles that were junk by almost every maker out there, I simply have not run into any other rifle fans that are more ignorant, rude, and biased than Remington 700 fanatics!