tips on burying guns and ammo wanted.


New member
remembers katrina.

i have way more guns and ammo than i'll ever need. no use having all that extra stuff laying around the house waiting to get taken.

i was thinking of getting 6" pvc pipe and use pcv cement to seal the caps on. i would put large bags of desiccant in there.


New member
I haven't seen these for a few years, but you used to be able to find OD green tubes with screw on end caps w/ rubber seals in 3' and 6' lengths...wish I could remember who offered them. Saw them often in Shotgun News ads. If done correctly, I suppose making your own wouldn't be difficult at all. I'll do a few searches and post a link if I can find some of the Military surplus ones I'm thinking of. SH

Rant Casey

New member
I had to check to make sure this wasn't the Turner Diaries and you weren't Earl Turner. You really feel this is the best option?


i have way more guns and ammo than i'll ever need.

I'd either sell em (whatcha got?) or get another gun safe.
just dont understand the point of burying guns, but maybe thats just me.


New member
Katrina? if it floods, how you gonna dig em up? Scuba dive for them? I think the OD tubes were shipping containers for artillery shells or something. USed to see at the gunshows. If it were me, I would really seal that PVC tube well, and if I had the know how, I would pressurize the thing a little bit with inert gas like nitrogen. That would be a backup plan as you might not have alot of time to go digging around in some cases, close at hand is always better.


New member
sure thing

i was thinking of getting 6" pvc pipe and use pcv cement to seal the caps on. i would put large bags of desiccant in there.

Makes sense to me. I got nothing against hiding guns. Just make sure you can find them again and get them out of whatever you've put them in.

I'd hate to hear of you trying to pry open a sealed-up PVC pipe with your teeth as the bad guys are closing in around you.


New member

you'd need to seal the hacksaw in something so it doesn't rust away. You could have the gun in PVC, a hacksaw in a heavy sealed plastic bag, a knife in a light sealed plastic bag, and a sharp rock all buried next to one another.


A piece of nylon string (like the kind that you use on a plumb bob or for a string level) will cut right through PVC faster than a hacksaw. Just wrap about 3 feet of the string around the container so you can have some extra length if it breaks.

You have to use glue though, the threaded caps will allow water to infiltrate.


yes, you take the string and wrap each end a couple times around your fingers in each hand then move it back and forth like a cable saw. The friction cuts it fast. I use to cut into irrigation pipes like that all the time when I had to repair busted pipes.

Maybe not quite as fast as a hacksaw, but close.


Yes, they did.

And, they were bitch-slapped in court for doing so. Several states have passed legislation that precludes such seizures. SCOTUS is likely to rule in the Heller case that the 2nd applies to individuals...making life uncomfortable for DemocRATs.

I'd suggest that the OP invest in some kind of therapy...paranoia's difficult, but can sometimes be treated successfully. :p


Maybe they were bitch slapped, but did the people get their guns back? Uh huh...

(If you use nylon string as a cable saw...don't stop. It cuts by friction & melting the plastic. If you stop the pvc hardens and captures your string. A generous amount of grease on the threaded plugs seals it up quite nicely.)


New member
New Orleans gun grab

so did they go door to door and take away everyones guns?

There's a book out there call the "New Orleans Gun Grab" I recommend reading this book if you really want to know what happened in NO after Katrina. It's a real EYE OPENER:eek: