Tiny Guns with Good Triggers?


New member
Another vote for the P238. The nice thing is it reacts just like the 1911 with a little "trigger love" work from my LGS. I'd say it's still got it's factory pull weight-wise (I never ask for a lighter pull), but now it breaks like glass.

As far as fear of accidental discharge with an easy to pull trigger goes ... you simply keep your booger picker off the trigger until you plan to put a target down.

David R

New member
Have a new Kimber micro 9. It's the same as a P938. 6 or 7 +1 9mm.

Trigger was so tough the gun would shake before it went off. I got it to a crisp 5 lb with zero creep.

What a difference in how I can hit with it.

I was told a long time ago by an armorer it's all about sights and trigger. He is correct.

My 238 trigger pull was good. I replaced the plastic trigger with a straight aluminum one. It helped with the way it fit my hand. The new trigger came with a different return spring and had a over travel stop. Now it's perfect.

A stiff trigger would only degrade my shooting.

To each his own



New member
It seems to me that the discussion brings up a conundrum, what is the value of a small pistol if you can't hit anything across the street when some druggie is shooting at you? I carry a plastic throw away DOA pistol, and even with a laser it's useless beyond making noise. The laser came off.

My Guardian also has a DAO trigger but it's so long I run out of trigger guard room it seems, and there is no way I can hit anything with such a setup.

So my belief is that most of the small DAO pistols are for close up, pull it at the last moment, secret "You thought I was an unarmed victim didn't you fool!" gun.

Other than that a careful analysis of whether one is in a real threat environment should dictate the weapon, for me at least, it's warranted. If it's a bad neighborhood I'll ditch the guns I couldn't hit someone across a street with.

That all said, the old Astra .25 is accurate, but another noise gun, the TPH is too. These are both weapons that lawyers weren't consulted as much with during design for function.


New member
I'd nominate my latest two pistols. The first is a Gen 2 LCP Custom and the second is a, now sadly discontinuted, Sig P290RS. Both have nice DAO triggers. I also have a .32acp Seecamp with a nice DAO trigger. I've never found one to try but the, also discontinued, Sig P250 is said to have a nice DAO trigger.


New member
I own a few pocket 380s and out of all of mine the taurus tcp has the best trigger. They are all long dao triggers but thats for a reason. The tcp is very smooth and not heavy at all.