Time to build a monster


New member
So I watched Ghost and the Darkness the other night and it's got me yearning for a true bigbore traditional safari rifle. I have a P17 converted to .375 H&H but now I feel the need for something really outrageous. My base action will be a Mauser 98. Before all you puritans start howling, I have a bubbad 98 in mind I think I can salvage. And yes, I know all the work and cost involved in the build I am proposing. I already know where I will have my bolt and action work done.

What I need now is input on a cartridge. I want something a little off the beaten path, so a .458 Win Mag is out for now. I have been cruising the forums at accuratereloading.com and I am really intrigued by the .500 Jeffrey. Anybody have one? I know it will be a pain to shoot but I am fascinated by big bores and need something one of a kind. Besides, I hope to go to Africa someday and it will help keep the dream alive. This rifle will be shot very little and shown off very much so ammo cost I'm not too concerned about. Besides, the fun is in the build.

So let's hear from some of you big bore afficianadoes.


New member
That would be a monster all right, but the rebated rim on the 500 Jeffrey doesn't give me a warm an fuzzy on reliable feeding.

An alternative without the rebated rim is the 550 Express, which is in the same energy and recoil class as the 500 Jeffrey.


Hope this helps.



New member
Thanx Jimro, that does help. One of the things I was looking at with the .500 was that it is said to work with a standard length action. Will the 550 Express?


New member
Yup, the 550 Express will work in a standard milsurp m98 action.

The biggest problem is finding .550 diameter bullets :)



New member
Jimro, you're a life saver. I think you have helped me settle on a cartridge. Now to go rescue a certain bubbad 98!


New member
Bigfatts, if you are fascinated with big bores then I recommend the book "Any Shot You Want" by A-Square. More big bore cartriges in that book than you can shake a stick at.
I've been wanting a 416 Rigby for a while myself, but don't think that'll cycle through a 98 Mauser action... I think the 416 Remington will, but it is like the 458 in being more popular...

been also thinking about some of the older BP big bores... I just added a 50-70 Gov to my collection last year, & have been toying with getting a 45-90 - 110

+1 on looking through the A Square catalog, perhaps a Dakota Arms as well ???


New member
Here you go, pick one!

222 and .280 for scale purposes

.375 H&H Mag.
450/.400 Nitro
404 Jeffery
.416 Remington
.416 Rigby
.450 Nitro
.458 Win. Mag.
.458 Lott
.470 Nitro
.475 No.2 Nitro
.505 Gibbs
.50 Whisper
.500 Nitro
.577 BP Express
.577 Nitro
.577 T-rex
.585 Nyati
.600 Nitro
.700 Nitro

don't know if that's your pic or not PESTA... but thats quite a cartridge collection... if it is yours, I should send you a 50-70 Gov cartridge...;)


New member
Thanks MWM! Have a 50-70 also have a 50-110 Express 50-140 Sharps.

This was to be more on the line of African big game catridges, though I threw in their a .50 Whisper, just cause it looks cool.:D I am going to start taking more photo of my cartridge collection one I figure how to get my light Ten from Steph’s dad, it will not fit in a 99 Neon.:rolleyes: I wanted to take them in groups of themes, old west, Sharps, Military, etc.. I also have older boxes and experiential ammunition I need to take photos of.

I got a barging on the .700 Nitro. Bought it about 6 years ago from OWS, it was $70, now I see them around $125-$150 each.

I have to get a hold of one other Cartridge collector in WV, he had a loaded 4 gauge shot shell I wanted, mine is a hull only.


New member
600 Overkill - My choice if you really want to make things difficult for yourself in every area imaginable - recoil, reloading, etc.

450 Rigby - My "practical" choice. Brass and factory ammo are out there, just pricey.


New member
For an all-around versatile big bore, it really is hard to beat the 458 WinMag. Not as much romp 'n' stomp as say a 505 Gibbs, but it won't break the bank every time you go out and fire off a few. Plus, it is adequate for anything that walks the planet, and (it seems this is the primary issue addressed in this thread) it will fit a M98 action without making you wonder if one more will cause the action to disintegrate. I personally have a soft spot for 375 H&H and 505 Gibbs, but that's me, and the 505 won't fit a M98.


New member
I appreciate the input guys, keep it coming. For now I think the 550 Express is the winner but who knows? I would most likely load it down for just shootin' and then up if I ever do get to Africa. The ability to fire form brass out of .460 Wby is a plus too and will make it easier to find components. I'm already looking into a bbl and rail work. Thinkin' about a muzzle brake too...


New member
If you get a muzzle brake you might want to make sure it is removable. I have read that many professional African hunters insist that there clients hunt with rifles that do not have muzzle brakes on them. This started happening when the African trackers and gun bearers started loosing there hearing due to the increased muzzle blast produced by the big guns.


New member
Yes, anything larger than .50 is considered a "Destructive Device"

any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, the barrel or barrels of which have a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter, except a shotgun or shotgun shell which the Secretary finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes; and

But what that really amounts to is some extra paperwork and an extra fee.



New member
You know, I never thought about the destructive device thing. Is that a big hindrance and what kind of fees are we talking? If it's a big ordeal I may be going with something more reasonable, .416 Rigby .500 Nitro Express or some such.

And another thing. I figured all the work I would have to do with a Mauser to get it to the cartridge I want IE bolt work, frame work, etc and I figured for that kind of money I could buy a brand new CZ 550 action to build it on. The 550 Magnum is supposed to work on a 550 action with little mods. Bolt face would be a given with a .30-06 length action but my big question is would the frame rails have to be opened? If so, should I just go ahead and use a magnum action?