Time for some California Ballot Initiatives


New member
I have come to the conclusion Cali voters don't give a damn.

Look at the people that hold office.

All led by Governor Moon Beam.

They get what they deserve


full case load

New member
Since about 1975 I have been fighting stupid people thinking. We now have a stupid people voting majority in California. Seemingly meaningless, I still do what I can. If any of you has a solution to keeping the stupid people majority out of your state you better get with it.


New member
Democracy rules, unfortunately.
When the public schools stopped teaching about our Republic, it was all downhill from there.
California is hardly alone, most of the states that created our country are no different.


New member
Barry Bahrami of Carlsbad has petitioned the attorney general of California to VETO the new gun legislation.

The Attorney General can't veto anything. (and Kamala Harris wouldn't veto the new gun laws even if she could). Governor Brown did veto some of the new laws, but unfortunately signed several of them.

Barry Bahrami has petitioned the Attorney General so he can gather signatures for ballot measures, presumably to repeal the new laws. If he gathers enough signatures, the propositions will be put on the ballot for a general vote. However it is too late to qualify for the November election.


New member
I think that rc is right that there are many Californians who would like to stop the madness. I also agree with g.willickers that California is a good example of democracy run amuck. There isn't any protection in being a republic when the people's representatives and the courts reflect views of the overwhelming majority without regard for the Constitution, or the principals defined there. California, unfortunately, is only the leader in this trend that I fear will ultimately take us all down the rabbit hole.


New member
There was an attempt to put the RKBA into the state constitution, that should be looked at again. IIRC the voters of Nebraska did it a few years ago,


New member
I don't disagree that an initiative putting the right to keep and bear arms into California law would be great to get on the ballot but I think right now the issue is sending a clear message to Sacramento that the government is out of control and the people won't stand for this anymore. If we go for everything all at once we'll lose just like the liberals if they tried to get everything they want all at once. I hope there are enough California readers on The Firing Line that will help gather the signatures needed for the next step. If we sit on our hands and allow the libs to prevail, they will continue infringing on our rights. We may not be able to reverse current laws but we may be able to stop the progressive gun control agenda.


New member
Does anyone have more contact information for this petition drive. One of my local shops said he was going to get the petitions soon.