Time for some California Ballot Initiatives


New member
The elite California ruling class needs a reality check. I think it's time to get together to put some ballot initiatives to the general electorate in California in 2017 that have a pretty good chance to pass.

1. We need to pass an initiative that prohibits the state legislature from enacting or enforcing any law that does not apply to all citizens equally including retired law enforcement and legislators. If 11+ drive by magazines are particularly dangerous there should not be an exemption status for anyone that is not actively on duty in LE.

2. We need to make it illegal for any "unsafe" handgun not generally available to the public to be sold to any law enforcement officer, government agency or person regardless of perceived need. Guns not deemed safe for general sale should not be allowed to be carried or used on duty. I don't see how it's reasonable to allow "unsafe" handguns to be sold to some people but not others. Let's cast a bright light on what an unsafe handgun really is.

3. We need to hold politicians accountable for breaking laws such as running red lights. They should not be getting a free pass unless there is a state emergency. They should not be able to get tickets waived for their spouses and kids.

4. We need reasonable caps on legislator salaries and perks with open disclosure rules. If citizens don't have the right to privacy then neither should the politicians. They will never pass conflict of interest rules themselves so we should do it for them.

Our CA government is acting like we serve them rather than the other way around! It would be nice if we could get organized and set our government straight!


New member
I understand where you're coming from. The reality is most politicians first goal is to get reelected, then second to support their friends. Considering the short memory span of most voters, they often only pay attention as election time closes in.
None of those are going to happen with the current system. Unless there's a way to require real 'enforcement of equal protection of ALL laws', your propositions are going no were with the current system. Look how hard it has been to get any initiative moving.

But good luck. You could try a citizens arrest of the numerous existing laws that do some of what you want. Let us know how that works out for you.
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New member
Agree with what the OP is saying, but ballot initiatives take millions and millions of dollars to make happen.

If you were serious, you'd start some org. That org then seeks donations and help. You then raffle the donations to raise money. The initial money helps you to raise awareness. You attract people willing to help -- to hit up wealthy donors, organize fundraisers, make bumper stickers, speak on the radio early Sunday morning, try to get press coverage, whatever.

If that snowballs, you can raise, sometimes over a period of years, enough money to pay the hundreds or even thousands of professional signature-gatherers for a year when you are pretty darned sure you have the critical mass to make it happen.

Frank Ettin

rc said:
... I think it's time to get together to put some ballot initiatives to the general electorate in California in 2017 that have a pretty good chance to pass....
Why would you think that initiatives like the ones you've outlined would have a pretty good chance to pass?


New member
It was my understanding that the anti-gun crowd actually has some ballot initiatives in the works. Does anyone know if that’s true?


New member
It was my understanding that the anti-gun crowd actually has some ballot initiatives in the works. Does anyone know if that’s true?

Yes. Gavin Newsom put CA state Proposition 63 on the ballot. It calls for confiscation of all magazines over 10 rounds, a background check for ammunition and a bunch of similar measures.


If this sounds strangely similar to the group of anti gun laws recently rushed through the CA legislature, it should. The legislature realized that putting a measure like this on the ballot would encourage gun owners to vote, so the cut every possible corner to pass bills to preempt Prop 63. They were worried that a large number of gun owners voting could sway some legislative races.

Let's prove them right.


New member
There was a recent news article about how the net loss of Californians is now well over 61,000 per year.
That's the number of people leaving the state over the number who are moving there.
And the politicians just seem to be ignoring the obvious.
Too busy talking to one another and walking in the same old direction.
I wish you luck, but unless most of the folks moving into California are very different than the ones there, it's going to be a long haul trying to change anything.
Might have more luck breaking the state up into several smaller entities.


New member
I think the democrats passed the current Legislation before the true will of the people smacked down the ballot proposals. <snip> The politicians don't give a rip about what the people want. If what I propose here could gain support and grow into that snowball, it has a better chance to change the direction of state gun control laws more than the elected officials who just tel people what they want to here and then do whatever they want after elected. We talk about equal rights but these new gun control laws show that's a farce.
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Frank Ettin

rc said:
I think the democrats passed the current Legislation before the true will of the people smacked down the ballot proposals.....
You might think that, but what evidence and/or data do you have to support your inference? If you don't have evidence or data, you're just guessing.

rc said:
....The politicians don't give a rip about what the people want....
And that's clearly not true. Politicians care very much about what the people who elect them want. If they're not doing what enough of their constituents want, they won't get re-elected or have a chance to move on to higher office.

rc said:
....If what I propose here could gain support....
That's a pretty big "if." So far you've given us no reason to believe that "if" would be likely to become reality.

rc said:
....these new gun control laws show that's a farce....
You might think those laws are a farce, and I, and many other gun owners, would agree. But suspect that a very large portion of the body politic in California think those laws are a fine idea.

Guessing, hoping and wishing won't get the job done for us.


New member
rc said:
The elite California ruling class needs a reality check. I think it's time to get together to put some ballot initiatives to the general electorate in California in 2017 that have a pretty good chance to pass.

1. We need to pass an initiative that prohibits the state legislature from enacting or enforcing any law that does not apply to all citizens equally including retired law enforcement and legislators. If 11+ drive by magazines are particularly dangerous there should not be an exemption status for anyone that is not actively on duty in LE.

2. We need to make it illegal for any "unsafe" handgun not generally available to the public to be sold to any law enforcement officer, government agency or person regardless of perceived need. Guns not deemed safe for general sale should not be allowed to be carried or used on duty. I don't see how it's reasonable to allow "unsafe" handguns to be sold to some people but not others. Let's cast a bright light on what an unsafe handgun really is.

3. We need to hold politicians accountable for breaking laws such as running red lights. They should not be getting a free pass unless there is a state emergency. They should not be able to get tickets waived for their spouses and kids.

4. We need reasonable caps on legislator salaries and perks with open disclosure rules. If citizens don't have the right to privacy then neither should the politicians. They will never pass conflict of interest rules themselves so we should do it for them.

Given that the majority of California voters keep voting for the same type of legislators to represent them, what makes you think that the same majority would be willing to support your initiatives? Why should I invest my time and money into what I perceive as a losing cause?

I lived and worked in California for 2 years, left in 1987. It was obvious to me even back then that the majority of Californians had an extremely liberal viewpoint.


New member
the majority of Californians had an extremely liberal viewpoint

Maybe they do support certain issues and vote for candidates that best represent their views. However, is the Second Amendment one of those issues? Maybe they’re actually somewhat indifferent about gun rights, but given the chance would support them. Since California has the option of ballot initiatives maybe gun rights folks should at least consider attempting something.


New member
It's not supposed to matter what the politicians OR the "constituents" want. They really don't give a rats petuty as long as they get their agenda rammed down our throats. This was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic where the laws of the constitution protect the minority from the will of any majority. Wake up California gun owners! The government is CONFISCATING personal property. And just food for thought.... What happens if this goes to the supreme court and a liberally stacked court makes it OK? Things have been looking good for the second amendment for a while but this California crap and the coming election could ruin things for good and all.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Unless some truly quality research indicates a ballot initiative can win, CA doesn't need one that loses and adds another nail in the coffin. The recent circuit and SCOTUS actions are clearly not favorable and that is setting a national tone and precedents.

Can one do the quality research that is convincing on the issue and can withstand opposition presentations? Does the clearly Democratic shift in demographics predict failure?

Easy to say to do this on the Internet because your own choir circle of friends are annoyed.


New member
Perhaps, instead of wanting ballot initiatives, folks should be running for office and then writing the legislation.......................

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
What a novel idea! Sorry - isn't it more fun to bury your guns in the backyard and wait for the UN.

Couldn't resist. There will be a wave of suggestions for actions and gun modifications to try to beat this with gadgets or whatever.

Winning elections - that's harder.


New member
I doubt it will even make it to the ballot; the Antis OWN CA and there is no going back. The only thing we can do is make sure that the cold CA has doesn't spread to the rest of the country (which it will in NY, CT, MA, MD, RI, and a host of other states.


New member
FITASC OK, I doubt it will even make it to the ballot; the Antis OWN CA and there is no going back. The only thing we can do is make sure that the cold CA has doesn't spread to the rest of the country (which it will in NY, CT, MA, MD, RI, and a host of other states.

which in sum total make up over 50% of the population of this country. to think the rest of the country will be immune to the cold under those conditions is wishful thinking at best