Tick Prevention/Hunting


New member
Any tips for keeping ticks at bay while hunting? If I'm not hunting I put on bug spray and tuck my pants into white tube socks when I'm in the woods, but neither seems too smart during whitetail season.


New member
M - I always use my old Army trick of tucking my pants in my boots as I am lacing them up. Grab the pant leg at the side seems, then fold the pants back on both sides. This keeps the material from bunching up in your boot and rubbing. If I am in heavy tick country, I spray my boots and pant legs with permethrin (sp?). It is not to be used on skin, just clothing. When it dries, it does not have an odor (that my poor nose can detect anyway). I also use scent masker (fresh earth) so even if there is a slight odor, I would not worry about it.

Last - as awkward as it is, nothing beats a thorough body check on a daily basis...

My buddy got Lyme's disease - now has joint problems and 70% hearing loss in one ear from it. Ticks are just nasty critters.


New member
You know, I have been in and out of the woods all my life, and I have never had a tick get on me ever. I have been camping where almost everyone of my buddies got one, but me.

Weird huh? :D


New member
I use the Permanone on my snake boots but I do something else as an extra precaution. This may sound a little stupid, but I usually have a bottle of dog shampoo sitting in the bathroom (from when I bathe the dog). I just soap up with that after a day in the field. It won't get the deep-attached ticks, but it tends to wash off the little seed ticks that are still crawling around.


New member
We just dust up with a sulfur sock. We took a couple feral hogs last year that were coated with ticks on the underbelly. We hung them over night and the ticks were at the tips of the fur the next morning. NASTY. They stayed off us for the most part during the pajama removal (caping), but we had to brush them off occasionally. I got over my phobia pretty quickly, but I still get a little creeped out when I see them crawling on me.


New member
Oh and BTW, we camp in the same spot every time, and if you gentlemen find it, God help you if you also find my pooping log. :eek: :D

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I used to coon hunt with my dad years ago, and he always made us wipe ourselves down with vinegar. After you get past the smell, it works.

My wife and I bought a little piece of property on McGee Creek Lake, in Oklahoma about 6 or 7 years ago, and beleive me, it was a wilderness.
We had to do lots of tree cutting and removal of underbrush, so we coated ourselves with vinegar before starting work every day, and never used any repellant other than that, and we have not had any problems with chiggers,seed ticks, or mesquitos.

Also if you are around poison ivy it works to nuetralize the oil in the plant that causes you to break out. It also works well to wipe off your exposed skin with after coming out of the woods, as it removes any poison ivy or seed ticks and chiggers that may have gotten on you while your hunting.

Can't hardly use it when hunting any kind of game that is scent wary, but it works great for squirrells and rabbits, as well as birds.

Fat White Boy

New member
I am cracking up thinking of Brad Paisley's "I Want to Check You for Ticks".

I have found a tick every now and then but what I really hate are Chiggers...


New member
After everyday in the woods I copiously lather up with soap to help remove the poison ivy oil and do a search for ticks. Then the rest of the day I think I feel one moving on me, and you see me scratching my head a lot.:)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Powdered sulfur keeps ticks off. And besides vinegar, a wipe-down with kerosene kills any that are wandering around; kerosene won't burn the skin like gasoline can.



New member
Thanks for the tips. I got a great tick removal tool at the pet store last year. It's a blaze orange spoon, the size of a tea spoon. It has a v-shaped notch on the lip in front, and it plucks ticks right off of my dogs. They end up in the spoon, easy to spot.

Have I mentioned lately that I hate ticks and have a semi-permanent case of the heebie jeebies?


New member
Read an article in a local publication that said Bounce fabric softner sheets were good insect repellent sheets,also. Simply tuck one in back pocket for all biting insects. I wonder if those guys who bragged about not having ticks could be wearing clothes treated w/ Bounce? Just thinking out loud.:D


New member
How about a flea and tick dog collar on each leg just above the boot tops?

Tried it in Louisiana while stationed there trying to keep the chiggers away. I developed a severe rash - skin sweating under the flea collar and the active ingrediant getting soaked it.

Not something I would try again....