Thunder or LCP?

Hoss Fly

bersa thunder all the way quality, accurate pleasure to shoot. the same cant b said for lcp

Please - QUALITY in a Bersa? Not saying they are not very good guns for the money but in no way are they
all the way quality
As far as accurate both shoot the way they were intended to preform ;)
Most of the "accuarcy" is up to the user :rolleyes:


New member
I'd rather carry a second mag than have that 10 rounder sticking out the end like that, even worse, it's a promag. With the history promag has I'd really, really, really make sure it works properly by putting lots of rounds down range to prove reliability. I'd still stick with the factory mags over the promag due to my personal experiences I've had with them that aren't so good. I don't trust them at all.


New member
My LCP has never malfunctioned in any way. And I agree with others that if you carry, this is a gun you can carry in almost every case imagineable, you won't ever have to leave it behind. I know nothing about the Bersa except that it's bigger, heavier and I wouldn't consider it since I have adapted myself to the LCP, I can hit okay with it. If you have a problem with the "snappiness" and small size, then you will have to decide if you can adapt or go for something bigger or "more comfortable".


New member
the bersa is quality. shoots much better than lcp is more accurate,more comfortable to shoot n does not tend to jump out of ur hand (thats what they mean by snappy) , like ive seen happen more than once at the indoor range.


New member
Agree regarding the plus-1 extender from Impact Guns. Made a world of difference -- can now get an extra finger around the grip, plus gaining the extra round. Doesn't really increase the size of the grip much at all.

Without the grip extender, it's hard to get a secure hold on the LCP. Since it's so light, the recoil is pretty rough. Add the +1 extender, get a better grip, and the recoil handling is much improved.

Have both the LCP and Bersa 380CC. Bersa is DA/SA, LCP DA only. Bersa is too big for comfortable pocket carry. I guess if you have really large pockets, you could try to convince yourself that it would work ... but it doesn't. LCP pocket-carry is effortless.

IWB both, LCP is less invasive ... although Bersa is acceptable.

I find both equally accurate ... sights suck on both, but they're close-range weapons.

Bottom-line, if you want a CC gun, then the LCP works better. If you want a range weapon, then the Bersa works bettter (although the LCP with +1 extender is acceptable).
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New member
I'm in the Bersa camp. I have two Bersa (actually the FireStorm variation) pistols and are very happy with them. I have the .380 version for carry, and I have a .22 version for practice. Both have the same controls, trigger pull, very similar sights (just about the only difference), and are of high-quality construction.

Here's my carry rig:


And here's my carry pistol (on top) and my trainer (the .22) on the bottom:


Besides, the Bersa pistols are steel and aluminum. The Ruger has a polymer frame. It comes down to personal preference, but I just don't like the look or feel of polymer pistols.


New member
I was planning on it being my CC gun.
This is the same choice my next-door neighbor was faced with. He wanted a Bersa to carry, but when he got to the gun shop there was a brand new LCP there for a bit less. He ended up with the LCP and loves it. Now, he wants the Bersa for a range gun.;) No question that the LCP is a better carrying gun; it's tiny size affords max concealability. Also no question that the Bersa is a superior range gun.

C Philip

New member
It depends how you want to carry it. If you're set on pocket carry the LCP is the only choice, but if you want to go IWB that opens up a ton of other options, as others have pointed out. My rule of thumb is to carry the largest and most powerful gun that I can comfortably conceal. If you can comfortably carry IWB there's no need to sacrifice power, accuracy, and shooting comfort for a little pocket gun. If pocket carry is a necessity due to your dress however, then the LCP is a fine choice.


New member
Had both...

Got rid of the Ruger. I love Rugers and really wanted to like the LCP. There was nothing wrong with the LCP, it was just too small for my big meat-hooks.
Plus, it just felt too "plasticy"

The Bersa Thunder and the Bersa Thunder CC are both great guns. Look at the CC version of the Bersa. The CC or a J frame is about as small as I can go. Really, if you can't conceal a 642 or a Bersa CC, you may have bigger problems.



New member

My vote is for the LCP. Concealable, light weight, accurate (tested out to 20 feet) and not bad to shoot as some have said. It does have a bit of bite, but you can go through 50+ rounds in a session without even thinking about it.


New member
I have an LCP. Not fun to shoot. Easy to carry.
As a test I've carried it nearly everyday for five months without telling my wife I have it and she has yet to notice. It really conceals.
I bought her the Firestorm 380 made by Bersa. It's the Thunder with rubber grips, better sights, and a rounded trigger guard. She loves shooting it and, while it's no LCP, it conceals better than her full size M&P9 or her SP101. I find it very enjoyable to shoot when I can get it away from her. She would have pulled the trigger on the LCP once and quit right there.