Thoughts on a carry 9mm

chris in va

New member
Wow, can't believe no one mentioned the HK P7! It's my lust-gun at the moment, would love to have one and carry it.

Thin, small, very accurate and single action.

But for now my P11 with the belt clip serves CC duty.


New member
in there pdf they said they stopped making the p7, i was interested in them until i heard that. am i wrong?


New member
P7s are neat (I've owned six so far) but they are not light.
PF9 is not that small, not that light.
Glock 26 (or any double-stack for that matter) is too thick for my tastes.
J-frames? Only five rounds, long, stiff trigger, not as small as you might think.

I carry a Kahr PM9 every day (pocket carry). During the winter I carry a Kahr P45 (IWB). Both are accurate and dead reliable.



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New member
Ever since the Hallandale (sp?) incident where the FBI shot it out with two heavily armed bank robbers, I have been a bit shy about the 9mm. Now all calibers have their failures to stop, except the 155mm howitzer.

When they make a decent IWB holster for the 155, I'm there :lol:

To be fair, the 9mm has stopped it's share of fights. I am not volunteering to stand in front of one anytime soon. I read one knowledgeable scribe who said the .38, .45 and 9mm were not that different with ball ammo. all about 50% stoppers in some tabulation from shootout data.

For me I would want a whole bunch of rounds. The GLock 19 would be my first choice. If I had to carry in many different modes, was not sure I could always use a holster or fanny pack, perhaps a Browning High power - a bit big but fairly slim. The Israelis have had success with these. They carry with an empty chamber and practice racking on presentation. They get stuck in waistbands, pockets, purses, you name it. Of course you could do the same with a GLock if you had to. It's just that GLocks chambered should always be carried in a proper holster. I find the HP a bit easier to rack during the presentation.

Have known a couple of battle tested types (one marine and one cop) who both like the little single stack SIG. Nothing wrong with it, I just like to carry a half box or so of ammo with the 9mm.

For me, the price, capacity, and reputation of the GLock 19 would sway me that direction for a carry 9mm.


New member
When I carry a 9mm, it's either my Glock 19 or my Glock 26. Thousands of rounds fired between the two of them and never an issue. Of the two, the 19 is my favorite.


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Another one for the Sig P239, but I carry it in .40. This is the nicest compact carry gun I have ever owned or shot. I've had and carried at one time or another alot of the popular options (PPK/S, 3913, G19/23/27, Mustang, various J frames), and I can easily say the Sig outdoes all of them in every way. Keep in mind, however, this is just my opinion. ;)


New member
I carry a service model 4'' XD40

but I find my XD40 sub-compact is small enough to throw in my back pocket if I wanted to. With that in my right back, my wallet in my left back, man, this boy has got BACK!:D:barf:

..XD9 sub-compact, check it out. But theres many more out there of course, just throwing ideas out there..


I'm with Tegemu, i love the emp.
Just slightly more imprint than my kahr pm9 in a smart carry.
no real difference in iwb (tuckable) or under a jacket or untucked shirt.
i like my pm9, but the emp is in another league!


I'm with you on what subcompact to get. I'm waiting to get a sub before I qualify. That way I do do multiple guns.

I'm thinking a Glock 26 or an XD9 3". But I'm leaning towards the Glock.:eek:

So far I'm thinking three guns for carry. CZ75B, CZ52:D (For the car), and ????:confused:


New member
My taste is for either a Glock G19 or the Sig P239. These are both best of breed, depends on what's comfortable in your hand and whether capacity matters to you.


luke, depends on what set of specs you use.
kahr says the pm9 is 5.3 inches overall legnth. the pf9 is 5.85 inches overall according to CC Handguns magazine.
keltec is 12.7 oz w/o magazine.
Karh is 14 oz with empty mag.
the really big difference is the price:
kahr around 550 with two mags
keltec around 290 with 1 mag (extra mags at 30 bucks.