Those Air Marshalls are keeping you safe?


New member
was the gun pointed at the entire cabin? or towards the floor of the cabin in a ready position? can the air mashall see what each passenger is doing? can he tell if one of them is retrieving a weapon from a carryon stashed under the seat in front of him? can he tell if any other passengers are at risk of being taken hostage? did any of the passengers have to hold their hands up?

they should just be grateful that they didnt cuff all of them to ensure the situation was secure.


New member
"BTW, as I understand it, FAM`s can`t carry off duty. Some Feds including Customs will usually carry on a local permit since the service considers them "civilians" off duty. Depends on the dep`t and the state they live in. Big difference being indemnified by the job or not."

FAMs may carry. Customs, too. Along with pretty much every other federal LEO. Though, and this may be a big 'though,' the head honcho of a given area determines the rules.

Rules which make it easy, or rules which mandate that to carry you must carry your duty pistol in an approved holster along with your credentials, cuffs, and sometimes even your baton. Or not at all. And rules in between.

Silly, hence the reason so many feds get state CCWs.


New member
FAMs are sworn federal LEOs. I suspect that like INS detention officers, they are required to carry off duty. I'm sure they can carry off duty.
