This time it's Panera Bread


New member
Is follow state and local laws code for "no legal no gun sign?" Otherwise, er wouldn't you always else you're violating the law....


New member
Is follow state and local laws code for "no legal no gun sign?" Otherwise, er wouldn't you always else you're violating the law....

It means that in Virginia, signs have no weight. In Texas, only the 30.06 sign holds weight; Panera must buy those and post them.

However, they're talking out of both sides of their mouth. Their "request" is merely a communication that while they don't want people to have guns in their restaurants, they will allow the carry of firearms if state/local laws permit it.

Therefore, the true test is in a state like Texas and its 30.06 signs. If Panera posts 30.06 signs in Texas, I will boycott their stores and tell them the reason why.


New member
In NYS "no gun" signs do not carry the weight of law; they can only ask you to leave and if you refuse, get you for trespassing. Since there's no OC, concealed means no one is the wiser and no one need get upset.

The Penera close to my gun club had no sign posted when I looked last night. CEO's of publicly traded companies are merely meeting their fiduciary responsibility by avoiding controversy by basically staying neutral with just a request. They're barely giving lip service to the nagging mom's.

We should publicly thank these companies for following local laws because nothing would irk MDA more than us implying they decided in our favor, which essentially they have.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Irking groups like MDA merely leads them into redoubling their efforts, hunting for another way to cause us hassle. It's hassle for CEOs, as well. Since the squeaky wheel gets greased more often, it could be that additional efforts might possibly succeed--which does not help us at all.


New member
We love Panera, eat there often and I don't plan to stop. I have never seen any indication they'd be concerned I was carrying -- if they knew. That's why they call it concealed. Without a sign banning guns that meets TX specifications, they can ask me to leave it at home all they want; nobody's business but mine if I'm armed and dining. Now, if a 30.06 sign goes up, we'll go elsewhere. I'm betting that won't happen.


New member
Why are you guys freaking out?

Mom's Against Common Sense, Mom's For Criminals, MDT or whatever they call themselves has spent millions on this and they can't even get Panera to put up a freakin' free sign or call the police when an employee sees an open carried gun? We won! All gun owners want is to be able to legally carry and be equipped to defend ourselves. We got that!

Panera who is really just pandering to both sides is letting us do that.

Let the air out boys....we're winning despite idiots like a Open Carry Texas hurting our reputation for being normal peace loving folk.

If we want to really win, we sue the sign posting company's for creating a dangerous and harassing work environment. Maybe we ask OSHA to look at the dangers of working in a place where criminals shoot at you. I mean, they are about work place safety, right? Nothing more dangerous than being shot at work!

Or maybe we get customers in a robbery to file some sort of class action saying the signs left them defenseless in front of an armed criminal. If I'm on that jury, all I need is to see the sign to award that Plaintiff!
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If we want to really win, we sue the sign posting company's for creating a dangerous and harassing work environment.
The chances of winning such a lawsuit, even in a gun-friendly locale, are pretty close to zero.


New member
You can find an attorney for every argument....finding the ideal case and financial backing is the key.


New member
Irking groups like MDA merely leads them into redoubling their efforts, hunting for another way to cause us hassle. It's hassle for CEOs, as well. Since the squeaky wheel gets greased more often, it could be that additional efforts might possibly succeed--which does not help us at all.

Art, I half disagree. Yes some open carry grandstanders allowed MDA to exploit this, but MDA efforts are not increased, or decreased, by anything we do or don't do.

NRA preaches to the choir and MDA is working the middle. When you preach to the choir it sure seems like your message is effective. But it just seems that way.

I have worked in DC nearly all my life and MDA is a sophisticated operation working with astroturf tactics but long term strategy with a social marketing element that has much better prospects than NRA creaking responses.

Painting this as a reaction by MDA is, in my opinion, wrong. In the arena of corporate policy, they are successfully attacking by chilling corporate behavior and policy in other areas without those (admittedly harmful) open carry advocates grandstanders. Look at the blocks on credit card processing and other actions. Was that a "reaction" by the gun control advocates to something gun rights people did? No.


New member
The Hell with Panera!! I will go in there anytime I want to get something to eat(love there food) & I will be carrying my sidearm! I have a CCW & that what I do. It's not the post office? It's not a court house? And no one is going to know it's there. And if someone does all they can do is ask me to leave & then I will.


New member
If we want to really win, we sue the sign posting company's for creating a dangerous and harassing work environment.
There would be no winners there

Panera didn't ban guns.
They simply placated the whiners with their statement