This One Takes the Cake


New member
Tuttle... Congrats. That right there is one beauty. And I look forward to hearing more once you shoot some of the snot out of it. Beautiful!


New member
Wow! That's a very nice looking piece! That will put a smile on your face when you get it I'm sure!

Now - for the serious part - if you ever want to trade your wife off (especially if she gives presents like this!) I hope you'll let us know. I MIGHT just offer to trade my Python . . . . on second thought though - that's a bad idea. She is obviously in love with you and besides, I already have a wife that's pretty special herself.

Congrats - enjoy and we hope you'll let us know how it shoots - sure is pretty! :)


New member
Wow. Congrats Tuttle. That is an awesome gift. Not cheap, but it will be a cherished firearm for the rest of your life. Shoot long and prosper!

PS - That gun makes me want to throw my Springfield TRP in the trash....
Sorry I haven't been able to respond in short order. Internet over here just stinks.
I appreciate y'all's responses. Didn't think it would drum up this much to be honest.

18DAI said:
Does she have a sister??

Yes, she does...

LUCKY! What branch of service? Engraved on the slide or grips?

I chose the Army with a specific s/n. They'll roll mark the branch on the slide. Chose the Army in honor of my father.

bikerbill said:
Sweet ... it's a beauty and so, apparently, is your wife ...

Yes, and I concur...:)

Ozzieman said:
Not me, I already have a great wife that last Christmas got me a Ruger Blackhawk in 44 special.

I'm not a huge fan of revolvers (unless they're either old or repros of old ones). But if that were gifted to me, a newfound love of them would ensue...

zombieslayer said:
Tuttle... Congrats. That right there is one beauty. And I look forward to hearing more once you shoot some of the snot out of it. Beautiful!

You know, I think my next meal is going to be crow. I told fellow Staff members I was going to post that I will be shooting it (which I will) and was absolutely POSITIVE I'd get flak for it...:eek:

And, Kreyzhorse, don't you dare throw that Springer in the trash. Mail it to my FFL so it can keep its little brother, "Loaded", company...


New member
Gorgeous. That sister thing won't work - I've been married for 28 years. Do you think your wife would call my wife, though?

Dave S.

New member
I was shooting with one of the gunsmiths at cylinder and slide and he told me that each gun takes an incredible number of man hours. Enjoy it!
Excellent gift and awesome wife. All my wife is getting me is another baby

Holy Cow, Kris! It seems like yesterday you were telling me about your other newborn. Congratulations to the both of you.

Third paragraph of my opening post, Constantine...;)

Dave S. said:
I was shooting with one of the gunsmiths at cylinder and slide and he told me that each gun takes an incredible number of man hours.

After reading up on it, I can only imagine. Wife still has family in Nebraska. We're going to try and stop by their facility some day to see if they give tours....or at least meet some of the employees that helped make it happen. Some may think it's overpriced. I see it as a truly remarkable work of art formed by someone that poured his guts into research and development. It's going to take a bite into our budget planning. But the better half understands this once in a lifetime deal we have before us.
Just received an email today with their progress.

Here's a summary:

Polishing of the first 4 pistols have been completed and the roll marking/charcoal blueing is the next process. So far, it's taking over 16 hours just to perform the polishing...all by hand. Bill is claiming ours will differ from the original Colts on the quality of polish work as ours will be "museum quality". I have no doubts in his assertion.

The gun itself will be polished to 600 grit while the mags will be at 400 for a desireable contrast.