THIS is what Bush can do to get my vote back.

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Nestor Rivera

New member
Keys, is a good man but has said to many things that can be held aginst him latter (true but not popular) my personal choice is Rep. J.C. Watts of OK. Please do not pick keating (of the 5) or ridge (No pro-abortion dem will change party but a lot of social con servitives will stay home)


New member
Hey Nestor
the keating of the Keating 5 is Charles Keating. Frank Keating is the governor of OK. Different guys.


New member
With Keyes elected to *any* higher-office position, in *any* party, I would at least resume some faith in the political system.

Keyes is a man cut from a very strong moral cloth, the kind of which we don't see much nowadays, expecially in that gilded drone-hive that is Washington, DC.

Keyes as VP may mean Keyes as President one day. Can you imagine a Keyes-Hillary debate on the eve of the 2008 election?

Private gun ownership is the capital sin in the left's godless religion. Crime is merely a venial mistake.

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[This message has been edited by 416Rigby (edited July 19, 2000).]

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Another boring and useless argument.

I will vote for Gore because getting him elected is the best thing for the RKBA.

I have been convinced that his election will somehow be a good thing.

Bush will bring the end of the RKBA quicker than Gore.

Yep, that's a plan!!

Bob Locke

New member
If you get stabbed in the heart with a 6" blade, are you really better off than if it had been a 9" blade?

That's the difference between voting for Bush or Gore.


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Staff Emeritus
Bush & Keyes would get my vote.

But didn't Keyes say he would not be on ANY ticket with ANYone who would even permit abortion?

If so, I hope he'd reconsider.


New member
Hey please don't vote third party unless your a demorat and vote Nadar. Due to the electoral system in this country 3rd parties cannot win. ANd if your even allowed to vote for a 3rd party realize that most states are not allowed to. Here in TN 3rd parties can run but their affiliation is ommited from the ballot, just their name. Besides people who want to vote for Buchanan have got to realize that he would do more to hurt our cause than help it. The leftist have succesfully painted him as a bigot, pro Hitler, Anti Business extremist. Nothing would ever get accomplished. The Republicans and Democrats neither one would have a White House they could work with and the Economy would probably go sour too (limits on free trade). If you don't like Bush for one reason or another than now is your chance do do something. Let him and his campaign know, send letters from your family, friends, like minded neighbors etc. Bypass the polling data and let him know. What would be great is if the NRA would do one of those mass mailings they are so good at and we send him 4,000,000 letters saying vote progun or lose our support. That would get Austins attention.

Clark Kent

New member
The mere title of this thread begs the "mulberry bush" question. You self-professed principled proselytizers toss out your propaganda with a warning to those of us still using our brains that you don't want to hear "that old argument" again. Well, then don't start the argument. Pretending you're not, by tossing out a hypothetical impossibility, is transparently insulting. So what else is new? Your (and here I mean the Libertarian Party functionaries who control this website) campaign style is either naïve or tactically challenged. I can't imagine many thinking folks are much persuaded by the monotonal more-principled-than-thou approach that failed the intellectual Socialists, as well.

I promised elsewhere on this site that I would refrain from starting any "mulberry bush" discussions. But I also noted that if one of the Party functionaries or fellow travelers starts one, I'll jump right in and add my POP. I've been accused of "attacking" the Party. Not true. That would be like punching a tar baby. I only try to rebut monotonal condescensions.

I'd consider joining the Party -- after the November elections, of course -- but first I'd need to see evidence of enlightenment among the leadership. Principles are cute, granted, but wisdom is beauty.

Idiot, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. -- Ambrose Bierce

Jack 99

New member

First of all, I'll concede I could have started this thread a little more tactfully. I assure you though that I didn't mean to start the "Mulberry Bush" routine again. I'm not a principled libertarian either (read some of my posts).

I'm also not a libertarian operative and my control of this board is NIL. I also never intended to insult you.

As far as your "monotonal more-principled-than-thou approach" comment, I think you misread my (and others) support of third parties. It's actually quite a pragmatic approach to retaining liberty. Let's not rehash it here, but I think you're characterizing us all based on the opinions of maybe one or two TFLers.

The *real* point of this post and why I considered it worthy of server space is A) The racial situation in this country is controlled by demagogues and their media lackeys. Put a Keyes in front of predominantly white, rural Republicans and they'll give him the VP nod. Very interesting development and it begs the question, where are all these "closeted racist" conservatives? If they're not in Idaho, Utah and Oregon I don't know where they are. And B) Keyes as a VP candidate could change the whole dynamic of the election. Exactly how might be hard to judge, but I know of at least one vote Bush could get from picking Keyes as VP. Would it cost him? Who knows.

Clark Kent

New member
Jack - I would love to see a Bush/Keyes ticket. And I'd like to think the ticket could prevail. But since Bush's strategy has been to play it safe so far, I don't see him taking the risk. Too bad. It certainly would inject some life into this election. Still, I'll take beating Gore at this point over anything else. At this point.

James E

News today, Bush wants McCain to join up with him as VP. Guess I'd go along with that...reluctently...hate Rebublicans that that have their noses up big business darkside. The cretins are shameless in doing nothing for the American people who can't help themselves. If they don't change their party platform on this...its going to bite them in the stern.



New member
James: You mean republicans are not socialist enough?

Perhaps they should steal more from businesses to give to the poor? Or nationalize certain industries for the "collective good"?

Wealthy people have rights too, you know, and get shi**ed on more through taxation (paying higher amounts and rates, and don't give me that BS about them finding more loopholes).


James E


Not asking the big business to spend a GD dime of their hard earned money. Its that their are certain people like the aged who can't help themselves, nor some mentally ill,
they can't afford health insurance and the insurance industry has that all tied up with lobbyist working day and night with our political leaders. (both parties) Social security is in danger of being raped for its jackpot by you know who. I wish I could discuss these things without some thinking I am a GD socialist. I just care about old people who can't help that so freakin bad.



New member
James E: I would like to get this clear.

Yes, there are old people who can't take care of themselves.

However, are you saying that you like to donate money to causes that help these people, or that you wish someone else to pay, under threat of having guys in skimasks show up and kill him (i.e. tax money).?


Clark Kent

New member
If the wealthiest 1% in our society wasn't so greedy, then the govt. wouldn't have to step in with tax-supported programs for the poor. Without the greed of the wealthy a libertarian approach to govt. would have a better chance of winning widespread support. But when you pit a basic human instinct against an ideology, the instinct invariably wins. And, while greed is a perverted instinct, it surely is base enuf to qualify.

James E


I can see you've got a burr under your republican saddle blanket. No use blowing a gasket over this issue. There is a couple of trillion dollars surpluse in the U.S. coffers. This pie is not just a republican nor democrat pie. Some of it ought to go to the aged and infirm who can't help themselves, nor can pre aged who are not able to have some kind of medical insurance coverage because they cannot afford the exorbent rates. This is not socialism, this is being kind and supportive of your fellow man and women. As to taxes you paid yours and I've paid mine, if you've got a bone to pick...pick it with the IRS robber barons. America is not Republican nor Democrat, it is flesh and blood Americans. I think Clark said a few points of clarity on greed, I need not say anymore on it.

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