THIS is what Bush can do to get my vote back.

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Tree Rat

New member
UH OHH Clark Kent. Bad subject the "greedy rich". Why is it the rich having earned their wealth, but for a few like the Kennedy`s and Rockefellers are labeled greedy? Today we have more states then ever (Texas included inspite of what Al Gore says) and the federal government (we are told) running surpluses. Still we are told that tax cuts are risky schemes that benefit only the rich and taxes on the local state and federal level continue to rise. That my freind is the defination of GREEDY. Tree Rat.


New member
God forbid we should keep a little more of the money we earn. We should all feel guilty. Dont we all realize that we work for the state and they will allow us to keep what they believe is the correct amount that we can responsibly handle.

I dont care if its only 250.00 (as in the case of the marriage tax penalty), it is still my 250.00 The Democrats keep telling me and the world that I am rich (because only the rich will benefit from the Republican tax cuts). I make less than 40,000 a year. Does that sound rich to you? Sorry about the rant, but common sense seems to have died and been replaced by liberal spin.


Staff Emeritus
I'd vote for Keyes. He's the best candidate available in the current crop but, he's too libertarian to win Republican support. :D

And, because I'm a Libertarian, and because I just found out from you guys that I "run" this board (won't RICH be surprised!!), I'm closing this thread.

Okay, so I'm REALLY closing it because it's at 103K! :D (You Republicans can check that if you'd like to... :D :D )


Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
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