THIS is what Bush can do to get my vote back.

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Jack 99

New member
I will vote for a Bush-Keyes ticket. Otherwise I'm goin' 3rd party (please spare the lecture).

Interesting that Idaho, Oregon and Utah have all endorsed Keyes. Aren't these the "whitest" areas of the country? And aren't the evil Repubs the most racist SOBs on the planet? Hmmmm. You'd think the combination of high cuacasian population and the Repub party would mean Keyes wouldn't stand a chance.

Very interesting. Who are the real racists in our society?


Oregon GOP
backs Keyes for VP
Says ticket including Bush, former
ambassador 'virtually unbeatable'

By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000

The Oregon state Republican party has voted to back
former U.S. Ambassador Alan Keyes as Texas Gov.
George W. Bush's running mate for the November ballot,
becoming the third state to endorse a Keyes vice
presidential nomination thus far.

The state GOP committee
voted 56-44 on Saturday
to back Keyes, saying that
his name alongside Bush's
would make the pair
"virtually unbeatable" this

Earlier, GOP chapters in
Idaho and Utah expressed
support for a Bush/Keyes
2000 ticket.

Specifically, the resolution adopted by Oregon
Republicans over the weekend states that Keyes is "the
most formidable defender of the principles of the
Republican Party," calling him a constitutional authority,
foreign relations expert and one of the most eloquent
communicators in the party. Keyes, the resolution said,
solicits "passionate support wherever he speaks and [he
inspires] people at the grassroots to work tirelessly for
the Republican cause."

"The people who voted for [the resolution] wanted to
send a message to Bush to seriously consider Keyes for
VP," said Gayna Flake, a member of the Oregon
Republican Central Committee. "They believe Keyes
would benefit the ticket."

Indeed, one of the main strategies of the Bush campaign
has been an effort to reach out to minority voters, an
effort that obviously would be bolstered by the
nomination of Keyes, analysts say.

Last week, Bush addressed 1,500 members of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People at its annual convention in Baltimore, as did his
chief rival, Vice President Al Gore.

Sources on Monday said June Hartley, Oregon's
National GOP committee member, was instrumental in
passing the resolution. Her last minute support, said a
committee statement, "clinched the resolution's passage."

State GOP Treasurer Dennis Richardson introduced the
resolution and read it into the record, while Kevin
Mannix, the GOP candidate for Oregon attorney general,
convinced the convention to suspend the committee's
procedural rules long enough to allow the Keyes measure
to be voted on.

Meanwhile, Stefani Stone, national coordinator for the
Keyes for Vice President grassroots effort, said the
Oregon GOP's endorsement is significant because it
indicates that Keyes is not simply the favorite among
Oregon Republicans, but the "overwhelming favorite."

"If Keyes were the favorite with 40 percent of the vote,
let's say, in a field of 20 names, he would not have
received an official endorsement. That requires a
majority," Stone said. "He got more than that, [and] that's
quite a show of support."

"Alan Keyes is the next Ronald Reagan," added the
Keyes for Vice President Oregon organizer Charles
Nichols. "I and the million other voters who supported
Alan Keyes for president are going to closely watch the
[national] Republican convention. It will be like watching
[Reagan] when he gave his first speech in 1964," if
convention delegates select Keyes to run with Bush.

"Oregon has gradually been moving into the 21st century,
and today took a giant step towards what may very well
be a new era of conservatism," Nichols added. "I don't
think Al Gore and the Democrats will be able to take
Oregon for granted this time."

Keyes is also a longtime columnist for and thus far is still officially in the
race for president and the Republican nomination. He
could not be reached for comment on Monday.

Though Keyes is gaining support among some grassroots
conservatives and Republicans, not all think his prospects
to be Bush's running mate look good.

A popular website currently conducting a contest to pick
a potential vice president for Bush shows Keyes' chances
at being selected at 100-to-one.

As of late Monday, Keyes was leading other potential
running mates as one of voters' least preferred choices
with 45 percent of the voters choosing to remove him
from consideration as Bush's running mate. Rep. J. C.
Watts, R-Okla., was next with 10 percent.

By Monday, however, both Keyes and Watts had
already survived three days' worth of polling, which saw
other, more widely-known candidates voted out of


Staff Alumnus
Hell, *I* would even consider changing my vote for a Bush/Keyes ticket.

However, it won't happen. Keyes is far more intelligent than Junior, far more of a statesman and less of a politician, far more intellectually honest. No prez in his right mind would want a better man as #2. That would explain the consistent choice of blundering idiots as veeps: throne insurance.


New member
People who vote for a third party guarantee 4 more years of Gore, Gun control and Democratic gains in the House and Senate. I am not flaming you, but this is something that we dont get and the Democrats do. They know that they have to vote for Gore no matter what stance he takes because from their point of view he is better than Bush, or Buchanan and Nader who cannot win. We split our vote or do not go to the polls when our candidate chooses a running mate that is not strictly pro-life, or backs any gun restriction, or you name it. The Democrats vote Democrat no matter what.


Staff Alumnus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tlhelmer:
People who vote for a third party [/quote]


tlhelmer, we've gone round and Round and ROUND and ROUND that mulberry bush. Knock it off and stick to the topic, OK?

"I dislike violence, but I'm awfully good at it." --Saunders, "Soap"


New member
Ok I don't care much for Keyes politics but DAMN that man can talk. Bush/Keyes 2000!

"Big or Little, it's all the same to a .45
Which comment embraced the full philosophy of the Gunfighter"
R.E. Howard

Dave R

New member
I think Bush/Keyes WOULD be UNBEATABLE. We should start an e-mail campaign to promote it. Anyone know the official e-mail address for feedback on the GWBush campaign? And the Keyes Campaign for that matter?

Regarding choosing a "lesser" man for VP--let's hope that our candidates, or at least GW, are above that.

The former advertising maven, David Ogilvy, is reported to have made a presentation at a staff meeting. He handed out those "chinese dolls"--where you have a smaller doll inside a smaller doll, etc.--to his direct reports and made his concise presentation: "if we hire those less than ourselves, we will become an organization of midgets".

The man knew how to make a point.

Keiller TN

New member
It would be interesting to see how the media would ignore him then. I think the media is afraid to let the public hear a statesman. I would like to hear Keyes debate Gore. Gore would have to come up with something of substance to say to Keyes rather than the typical government issue platitudes.

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."


New member
I like Keyes. He's very smart, a wonderful speaker, and generally on the right side of most issues. Problem with him is he frequently turns to "fire and brimstone" and I think a lot of Americans are turned off by this.

Jack 99, regarding Oregon being "white." Yes, it is quite white, and turning increasingly liberal. The Keyes endorsement has me stratching my head too. No lecture here, but I will ask you to give it up for GWB regardless of his VP choice. It's in OUR best interest.


New member
I keep reading that Bush is looking at anti-gun Gov. Pataki as VP. Ugh. He's playing you gun owning Republicans for suckers.


New member
What`s up with that reprimand about "THE MULBERRY BUSH", Coinneach???

I do not see it ANY OTHER WAY!!!!





WAKE UP AND DO THE MATH!!!!!!! :mad:


[This message has been edited by GIT_SOME.45 (edited July 19, 2000).]


New member
There are some other good potential VP's. Frank Keating of OK is discussed in another thread. I've heard good things about J.C. Watts, but I don't know anything about him personally. Pataki as veep would would disgust me so much i would actually consider changing voting for a third party even though it would mean a Gore victory (sorry Connineach - I couldn't resist. It bugs you so much :p )

Tree Rat

New member
Coinneach, Coinneach, Coinneach. I don`t understand where you see this latest excursion "around the mulberry bush" is not on topic. What I and evidently others do see is your inability to allow for opinions on subjects which you do not agree. GIT_SOME.45 and tlhelmer; I hear you guys and can add little to your convictions. In this non-perfect world...I`ll say it again...Vote for the most VIABLE candidate, that BEST represents your views. Coinneach, Love the board man but I`m starting to worry about your suitability as Moderator. Tree Rat.


New member
If he didn't want comments on voting for a third party then he shouldn't have given his statement. Since this an open forum I guess you all will just have to endure the truth.

This election is too important to squander on a no chance third party candidate. I wouldn't vote for Bush either but the fact is not only is he way more gun friendly then Gore but he will also appoint many other positions that are probably more important to us then his own.

We need to get over some of the personal reasons we don't like Bush's politics and think about what's at stake if Gore wins.

If hearing comments like this bothers some of you then keep you "3rd party voting" comments for the mirror.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer

[This message has been edited by leedesert (edited July 19, 2000).]


New member
I plan on writting in Keyes for VP no matter what.


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998


Staff Alumnus
Git_Some and all the rest of you:

As I've said before (maybe you missed it), you're not changing any minds and just annoying those of us who vote on principle.

Read the second sentence in Jack 99's initial post. I would say "re-read," but I always figured TFLers were more intelligent than the average bear and would have gotten the hint the first time.

The topic for this thread is "How Bush can get my (non-GOP) vote." Frankly it doesn't even belong in General but since Legal is Tango Uniform, I'm letting it ride.

Howzabout we get back on topic, hm?


Staff Emeritus
How can Bush get my vote? Loud and clear, Governor Bush,

"Forsake your gun control program. Admit gun control is unconstitutional!"

But then, we know he can't do that, right?
Oh, Bush believes in the Constitution! Sure he does. He just goes along with all these infringements so he can be elected and nominate similar infringers to the Supreme Court.

Vote for gun control, GET gun control.

Aim small, miss small.

Think small, act small.

By God, if you insist on going around Coinneach's mulberry bush I'll go another round with you!

But don't you dare tell me I "must" run to your Gun Control Bush!

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

Tree Rat

New member
USP45 - Writing Keys in as thats very interesting. How would that work and what effect would it have? Am I to understand that if one were write in a VP would have to vote for the entire ticket except for the write in VP, i.e. (Bush and Keyes)? I like that! Just think if the third party crowd could be convinced on that ticket using that method, they could have their protest vote and viable ticket all in one! Everyone has a right to vote for whom they wish. I just think it is very important to honestly discuss what acutal effect these decisions will have in the outcome. Tree Rat.

[This message has been edited by Tree Rat (edited July 19, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tree Rat:
USP45 - Writing Keys in as thats very interesting. How would that work and what effect would it have? Am I to understand that if one were write in a VP would have to vote for the entire ticket except for the write in VP, i.e. (Bush and Keyes)? I like that! Just think if the third party crowd could be convinced on that ticket using that method, they could have their protest vote and viable ticket all in one! Everyone has a right to vote for whom they wish. I just think it is very important to honestly discuss what acutal effect these decisions will have in the outcome. Tree Rat.

[This message has been edited by Tree Rat (edited July 19, 2000).]

Just because Bush chooses Joe Sixer for his VP doesn't mean i have to vote for him if i vote for Bush. I'll make a new line if i have to.

I don't believe it will have any effect on the outcome, but it will indeed make me feel better!

It would be a stunning freak of chaos if enough people thought the same way i do and wrote in Keyes for VP such that he was elected.

Could you imagin? Keyes as President of the Senate??? :D


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998
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