This is Not a Second Amendment Issue...

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Gas Masks (APRs -Air Purifying Respirators) are common, in wide use in various industries, and required by law as safety equipment on many jobs.

Even the most rabid politician won't get any traction trying to ban them as dangerous, evil, or useful only for police and terrorists.

In fact, its a good thing we are "allowed" gas masks. Wasn't the Aurora shooter spotted by a sharp eyed officer because the gas mask he had wasn't the same as everyone else's? Apparently his AR and ninja suit let him fit right in.....but his off brand gas mask gave him away as he waited outside the theater...or so I heard, ;)


New member
This is the picture guaranteed to make Mr Honda wet himself.

That is an unlicensed, unregistered semi automatic military style rifle with a fully loaded 30 round magazine, on top of an Urban Go armor plate carrier by Condor, holding two more 30 round magazines, also loaded and two loaded 18 round CZ SP-01 magazines. All of this horrible hardware is resting on an AR500 hard plate Level III with the new anti spall coating, which has easily defeated .223 AP and up to .308 AP, IIRC. Each plate weighs 7.5 pounds. Total cost on the carrier with plates is well under $300.
Know what the thing that will really send him over the edge? It's completely and totally legal. This equipment has never ever been used in any crime, and exists for one purpose only. Personal protection. Admittedly, the rifle is also fun to shoot and with changes in AZ law I can actually hunt with this rifle as well, but the armor is purely a defensive item. Heavy, hot, pain to get on and off fast, not something I lug around all day, but even with the limited practicality of the stuff, I have the basic right to my arms and armor. When the 2A was adopted, most armor had been abandoned, but not all - I believe British cavalry may have still worn curiass on horseback. Arms and armor were synonymous. So I agree - this IS a 2A issue. And while I can give the above explanation on what purpose I intend for my 2A protected items - I shouldn't have to do so. Mr Honda can bluster and blather all he wants, but he should take care to not wander Eastward of Blythe - all of that Freedom might give him a heart attack.:D