This is no BS..........


New member
It was probably a bacterial disease that ate away at the bone. It was not uncommon then, nor is it uncommon now, however, we now have the drugs to kill the bacteria in it's lava stage before it can get to the point of causing bone damage. There are however, bone diseases that we cannot control, but they are rare.......;)


New member
But since any respectable time traveler would only take a 30/06

I'd think he'd take a .45-70
No offense to the good old '06 but there are some nasties back in time you'd want a little more fire power to deal with :D


Be carefull here. I'd be expecting a strongly worded letter from the lawyer representing the Cro Magnon gentleman on the Geico commercials soon. They seem awfully sensitive about being underestimated.

That commercial where ol boy caveman is on the conveyor at the airport and gets in a huff over the GEICO sign ad on the wall is one of the funniest commercials of all time. And it did it without a single spoken word; and it would't have been funny at all (wouldn't "get it") without the prior commercials having set it up.

Anyway, now we know Wild Bill hunts BOTH sasquatch and dinosaurs.
I got scared because I had not purchased my T-Rex permit, and every body knows without the permit you can't get your carcass tag
Ha! :)

Wow, DNS, you are quite knowledgeable - you must seriously be mensa material - need you on Jeopardy.

And, IIRC, homo sapiens first appeared some 5 million years ago. Dinosaurs wiped out 65 million years ago. 60 million year gap - not even close. Now as for other hominids, like homo halibus & australopithecenes, I don't remember how far back they go - anyone remember their anthro class?

"this is no BS" *ususually* translates quite well into "this is BS!" :p

P.S. I like Moloch's explanation as the most possible. Those steg defenses were deadly indeed! It'd be unusual for it to get up high enough to hit the head, but not impossible. And if it healed, it didn't have to be deadly necessarily anyway.
After this, you guys shouldn't burn me to bad over hunting for Sasquatch.

Grover Krantz (RIP 2002), noted physical anthropologist and bigfoot researcher who felt bigfoot was likely a relative of gigantopithecus, horrified fellow cryptozoologists by proposing just that - hunting one. He said that the only way the myth of Bigfoot would ever be settled would be if somebody went out and shot one and brought back the carcass for scientific study. He was at least partially correct. Until one is brought in alive or dead, their rumors will remain the lore and nothing more.


New member
any respectable time traveler would only take a 30/06

But which Rifle? FN-49 maybe?

Of course, it's possible that with juuuuust the right handload, a .30-06 might pierce the very fabric of time and space,

Wouldn't that make some kind of tiny black hole?? Wait,, Einstien said time travel was possible,... That's it!

A .30-06 would put Bigfoot down like a rag doll.....


New member
Very interesting thread, as it is something besides the ordinary AK vs. AR. I am suprised however that it isn't yet closed, it seems everything of this nature has been closed recently.


I am suprised however that it isn't yet closed
Especially since the fifth post on this thread gave the title and author of the book, explained that it was NOT a dinosaur skull and also gave some indication of why this story might be a little too good to be true. Apparently a good many people find that it's not too much trouble to post on a thread, but it IS too much trouble to actually read it first.

If you want to read more about it and are fluent in French, here's a link.

Page seventy-five of the pdf has a picture of the skull. Judge for yourself how "perfectly round" the hole is.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...caveman possibly finding it shortly after death..." Ahem! No people and dinosaurs alive at the same time.
Shot an elephant in my pyjamas. How it it got in my pyjamas, I don't know.
I am sorry that I missed that the critter was an Auroch, recently (Bronze Age or thereabouts) extinct genetic seed for modern cattle.

Not a dinosaur that goes MOO!

Apple a Day

New member
Slight veer in topic: Whatever happened to the Japanese guy who was trying to breed back the mastodon? I'd bet some folks would pay a pretty penny to hunt one.
I'm all for bringing back dinosaurs in a limited sense for hunting. How about going up against a critter that can bite you in half instead of those wimpy whitetails?


New member
Oh yah, now THAT would be a hunt. Take off after a T-Rex for the weekend? I'm in... Think I'll get one of those shoulder-fired 20mm's for it though... Something tells me my 7mm is just a little under powered for that big a task. :D

(Waiting for the .30 cal crowd to jump in now... "30-06 would handle a T-Rex easy! Bring 'em on!" :D:D:D)


New member
Good old Grover Krantz. He once fashioned a prosthetic browridge to see how it felt to have a neandertal forehead. I think he finally opined that it kept his hair out of his eyes pretty well.

An a national physical anthropology conference one of his students analyzed the heel strike of Big Foot and found, surprisingly, that it had a strange gait with little heelstrike. He tried to draw anatomical conclusions when the simplest answer was that it was what you would expect from someone pushing giant fake feet into the mud. Good times.