This is no BS..........


New member
Long time ago when I was little I used to read my dad's books he read al sorts of stuff never Sci Fi usaually it was about guns history and Politics and wars so he knew allot of stuff jack of all trades master of none. Anyway His books also went into paranormal as well as the unusal. One such book covered a scince called O.O.P.'S which stood for Objects Out of Place it had many things but the thing that caught my attention was a dinasaur skull was found with a hole in it's head so then the speculation began (you already know where this is leading too) they looked it over and as for caveman possibly finding it shortly after death was a possiblity IF they were around during that time frame.
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Nope time gap between is to far out according the carbon dating. Ok what if..........ok lets guess that caveman was around at the time theoretically speaking. how would he make the holes. because one side was partially healed. possible not likely they made some thing to make that perfect little hole. the tools that they had would make fractures instead. Something of high speed was needed.

The holes in question were perfectly round with the other hole already partially healed. Many other thoughts went into play. Then one of the Scientist spoke up "what if it was shot?" and another replied "With what.....a rifle?" So he explains his theory that it would have to be a high powered rifle to make a hole like that, and buy sheer coincidence it miked out to a .30 cal.
So taking another skull of the same time frame the fired a bullet in the skull only to have the skull shatter due to the fact that it was hard and brittle. So it was not shot (if this is so the case) as a fossil. It was shot when it was alive because for 1 the holes were healing. And then the most intriging question where did the so called hunter come from? Ans what did he use

Now gents this is no BS I read this years back (non-fiction mind youand not Sci Fi dad was not into that) beings that it was rifle related so I thought I would pass it on, food for thought. FYI
A curious thing. If one hole was showing signs of healing and the other wasn't, the latter had to have been created on a different occasion. It would be a queer coincidence, shooting the same animal in the head at two different times. If one is going to accept an improbable coincidence like that on top of the improbable possibility of the time travel issue, it makes more sense and requires confronting far fewer physics problems to simply accept that the .308 diameters are a coincidence. There have been a lot of UFO theorests fooled by perfectly round holes in "mutilated" livestock, which turned out, upon observing a whole cow carcas left in a field for a time, to all be created by insects. Like borer bees, many insects create very perfecly circular openings. It would not be too surprising to learn predicessors of these bugs infested wounds in dinosaurs, who's golfball size brains probably couldn't keep track of enough skin nerve endings to pay proper attention and brush the bugs away.



New member
I think somone is going to go back in time and close this post.

P.S. Injured by another dinosaur, they did eat each other.


New member
another dino eating another true but still that would have cased the skull to fracture not pierce like it did. I will have to ask dad where that book is at and read it again to find out the finer details


The book was Secrets of the Lost Races by Rene Noorbergen and the skull was from an Aurochs, not a dinosaur.

I read that book with interest when I was younger, but when I got older, I started trying to follow up some of the stories in it. I was dismayed to find that a good number of his "facts" came from articles in such bastions of truth as the National Enquirer, etc.
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New member
Remember now that it had to be high velocity to create that type of hole, plus a .30 cal? what a coincidence. You think Elvis did it? Did he hunt? :D josh. With all this technology stuff and scientist stumbling on to newer things time travel may happen if it is possible at all. josh


New member
Maybe in a fit of desperation, the dinosuar impaled itself on a barb that came from the tail of one of many other species that had tail spikes as a defense.:D


New member
If it was any other caliber I would be suspicious.But since any respectable time traveler would only take a 30/06 ,that has to be the explanation.


New member
Of course, it's possible that with juuuuust the right handload, a .30-06 might pierce the very fabric of time and space, and warp back to hit the dinosaur.

We've all had those flyers that just up and disappeared... now we know where they went...!


New member
Look for a short story by Ray Bradbury called "The Sound of Thunder".

The version I heard was a neandrethal skull with a "bullet hole".


New member
Ok what if..........ok lets guess that caveman was around at the time theoretically speaking. how would he make the holes. because one side was partially healed. possible not likely they made some thing to make that perfect little hole. the tools that they had would make fractures instead. Something of high speed was needed.

Be carefull here. I'd be expecting a strongly worded letter from the lawyer representing the Cro Magnon gentleman on the Geico commercials soon. They seem awfully sensitive about being underestimated.


New member
Be carefull here. I'd be expecting a strongly worded letter from the lawyer representing the Cro Magnon gentleman on the Geico commercials soon. They seem awfully sensitive about being underestimated.

The Body Bagger

New member
I remember reading about a Triceratops carcass being found in an old tarpit with what appeared to be claymore mine wounds. Apparently according to the geologist, ancient cavemen would waylay the animals around the pools because the creatures would slow their strides knowing that if they weren't careful they could fall in. In this situation it seems the claymore knocked animal into the pit preserving its remains to found and treasured by future generations.


New member

Well, prehistoric ancestors of birds anyway.

There have been many pre-homosapiens skulls found with perfectly round holes in them that match the distance between known aerial and fanged land animal predators. Sometimes, the holes are in unusual places as they speculate the beast grabbed the poor pre-human by the head and hooked a couple claws in the eye sockets (which didnt survive, so no holes to account for those claws) and the others on other spots on the skull- making nice round holes or a nice round single hole.

So if this big dino was either killed by, or scavenged by, something that took a bite/claw hold of the skull and dragged it off to munch on; there would probably be a nice round hole in it.

If the thing survived a similar attack earlier in its life, then the edges would have partially healed.



New member
Maybe in a fit of desperation, the dinosuar impaled itself on a barb that came from the tail of one of many other species that had tail spikes as a defense


Thats a Stegosaurus, look at the tail.

They where a really aggressive species because they had small brains even compared to other dinosaurs, and they thought that every living creature is a threat that needs to be killed with a nice tail spike right in the face. ( Sounds like taliban eh? :D )

With sectional density like that and a powerful fast swing the head gets pierced without fractures.

BTW, the stegosaurus was vegetarian.

How about a .30cal bookworm with AP steel core head?
TNT, your query concerns two fields of endeavor. The first is called paleopathology and it pertains to the study of ancient pathologies and they are often reflected only in the dental and skeletal records. When you talk about healing around a type of wound on an ancient animal, human or not, you are talking about paleopathology.

So far everyone has assumed that the holes in the skull were due to trauma. That may or may not be the case. There are types of lesions that can produce similar results, specific diagnosis requiring more information.

The notion of what would happen to a fossil if shot by a gun falls into the realm of a field called taphonomy. Basically, taphonomy is everything that happens to skeletal and dental materials AFTER the animal dies including degredation such as breakage and preservation such as fossilization.

Now, as for the carbon dating concept goes, that is BS. Without knowing what dinosaur you are talking about, the age of extinction could have been some distant 60 million years ago, or a lot more or somewhat less, but this number will work for the purposes of being an example. Carbon dating is only good about 100K years or so via accelerator dating, but chances are that when your dad's book was written the high end of carbon dating was either around 35K (original method) or about 70K (improved method not using an accelerator).

Now, based on dating your comments, I know the events of your reading must have come from post 1949 source materail as Libby and Arnold didn't publish on the concept of carbon dating until 1949 and carbon dating didn't become mainstrean in archaeological research until the mid to later 1950s.

FYI, it is pretty much impossible to make perfect holes in living creatures via traumatic insults such as bullets, stego spikes, carnivore fangs, etc. There will be radial fractures, even if they are just small radial fractures, but they will be there. Also, there will be some sort of cone of impact for many such events where the exit side of the hole ends up being larger than the entry side. The original report of a perfect hole is either naive, ignorant, or an oversimplification so as not to confuse with the masses with detail that would detract from the story.

I like the O.O.Ps concept. In this case, it is called an anachronism - chronological aspect out of place, like the guy from King Authur's Court with the wrist watch in Monty Python's "Search for the Holy Grail" movie or Marshall, Will, and Holly, on a routine expedition and finding the Land of the Lost, or modern bifocal eyeglasses found in the archaeological digs of the French church in Crichton's "Timeline."

Sorry but the OOPs stuff here sounds like the scientific creationist stuff like the human footprints with the dinosaur footprints in the Paluxy River bed in Texas. Somebody just isn't using all the available information and drawing wild conclusions ... which otherwise would be mundane if hampered by more thorough investigation.

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Boy, it's only a matter of time before it comes out. I'll admit it, it was me.

I was playing with my time capsule, and went back and shot the beast. I got scared because I had not purchased my T-Rex permit, and every body knows without the permit you can't get your carcass tag.:D

After this, you guys shouldn't burn me to bad over hunting for Sasquatch.