This can happen to you, too [READ]

Well Frank, the laws you were thought to have broken are not stupid law as claimed in the original thread post. Both laws are solid laws that very good reason for existing. You may have been wrongly charged with violations of good laws, but were not charged with violating stupid laws.

BTW - The system did work, I may have lost everything I worked for, but I won my case(s). I was willing to pay that much, rather than cop a plea and pay a fine. How many of you can say the same thing?

Gee Frank, I don't tell folks that I am carrying a gun when I carry, not unless they are a law enforcement officer. I simply don't buy into the notion that you are some sort of martyr.

As for your story, we still only have your side of it. If your story is true as you claimed, then you don't need to be posting this sort of thing on the internet, but getting with someone at the ACLU or the like. I can't believe that there would not be lawyers all over this wanting to represent you in such a case.


New member
Guys, something which is so obvious that it should not have to be repeated; if you carry concealed KEEP IT CONCEALED, TELL NO ONE. The CCW is for your protection, not for bolstering your ego by telling everyone you have a gun. Don't be stupid.:eek:

Frank Sottile

New member
Double Naught Spy,
I do not recall ever saying that they were stupid laws (that was MicroBalrog that said that, NOT me. Please reread his posting (#1) at the very begaining of this tread). I do feel that they may be poorly worded, leading to misinterpetation by people (including LEOs). This point came out in the trial.

Remember, I was refusing to enter the premises and after I explaine why, and left the parking lot is when the police came.

You need to understand how "Premises" is definded in the law;

(3) "Premises" means a building or a portion of a building. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

Like I stated before, I looking for a Lawyer that can handle this type of case.

Fremmer & MacGille,
I stayed out of the building that this sign was posted on, NONE of the other buildings on the dealership had any signs posted. A year earlier, when I got my truck at this GMC dealership there were no signs posted anywhere. It had been posted only on the service center door and NOT all doors into the serice center had signs.

"The CCW is for your protection, not for bolstering your ego by telling everyone you have a gun. Don't be stupid."

I was asked why I was not coming inside, that is when the issue of the sign came up. And after that I left. To explain that the reason you can NOT come inside is not the same as Bolsting about carrying. At no time was my pistol ever shown.

I agree with you, "But, a simple "Not Guns Allowed" stuck on a door is not compliant with 30.06."

This all came out in the trial, if anyone wants a transcript, then you'll need to pay a Court Reporter to transcribe it (I do not have the money for that). Just remember that I stayed the course and proved my case in a Court of Law and NOT on the internet.

I am not looking to try my case on the Net, I already won my day in court. I am just looking for a lawyer. Maybe the ACLU is worth giving a try, I'll call them on Monday. Thanks, Double Naught Spy for that idea.
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Frank Sottile

New member
Double Naught Spy,
It seam to me, that for some unknow reason you dout my story, and even my very being. I do not use a "Handle" I use my real name. You have taken offense that someone felt that those laws that I was arrested for are stupid, reread post #1, you'll see that was not me.

You stated openly;
"Sorry, it just sounds like a tear-jerking urban myth or scam."

Did I ever ask anyone on this or anyother forum for Money?

NO, I am just looking for a Lawyer and had hope that the Good People on these fourms would help me find one. I have never asked for any money for anyone, including you. Some Good People have sent email with some helpful leads in them, and I thank them for it.

Let me point out just a couple (2) of things;
ONE - Frank Sottile is my real name, I am not afraid to use it. I am not in hiding. I have nothing to be ashamed of.
...What is your real name?

TWO - There is a Court Record that backs up everything I have stated here is true.
...Can you say the samething about what you stated?


New member
So why did you tell the business owner (or manager, or whatever he was) that you were carrying a concealed weapon? :confused:

Frank Sottile

New member
He asked me why I would not come inside, I pointed out the sign...
Should I have lied?

Remember, the law states that you can not go inside of the building the sign is posted on. There were NO signs posted along the fence line, only on the Service Center door (and not all doors had signs).

This was covered in court, and the jury agreed with me.


New member
Well, I understand the legal points, but....

Personally, I'd have just walked away and taken my business elsewhere. Why press it? The owner doesn't like guns, so I don't understand why you would tell someone who doesn't like guns that you were carrying a gun. Why not just leave, and perhaps write a letter or call him and let him know that he lost your business?

Frank Sottile

New member
This is were I got that truck, and it needed service.
After the exchange took place, I walked off of the car lot and left the truck there to be serviced.

Have you ever left your car or truck at the dealership to be serviced? I think poeple do this all the time. It turned out the truck needed new heads, about a $3500 repair job. And YES, they did do the repair. The the truck was under their warranty, thus they had to do the repairs and supply the rental car for 2 weeks as well.

That was the reason for going to the dealership in the first place.
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New member
But that's why it wouldn't happen to me. I would have left. Not just myself and my concealed gun, but also my vehicle. Right when I saw that sign. And I'd have gone to someplace else without a sign. Alternatively, I'd have left, gone home, put my gun away, and returned.

But I certainly wouldn't have told the guy that I was carrying a gun. Why can't I go inside? Oh, I forgot my wallet. I'll be back as soon as I go home and get it.

Then make the decision about whether to return without the gun, or to go someplace else without a sign. But why press it, get into an argument about leaving the gun in the car, and have a confrontation with someone who obviously doesn't like guns? :confused:


New member
Frank, why are just now looking for a lawyer when it has been two years into the mess you are in? I am not going to say that what happened to you is a made up story, but it seems like there is more to it than you are telling.

BTW, if I had a CCW license, and I see a sign on a business that bans CCW holders, I would just turn right back around and go take my business elsewhere. And if someone that works on that premises asks why I am leaving with no reason, I would just say that I don`t like your policies.

Frank Sottile

New member
OK, that's what you say that you would do. Fine. I took my truck to the dealer I got it from to have it serviced. I refused to go inside and left the property. I left the truck to be serviced. I was off of the dealership when the S.M.P.D. shown up.

As the Jury said, I had been compling with the law.

When I first got this truck, there were no signs posted around the dealership, none on the doors into the showroom/sales area. If there were, I would have gotten my truck from another dealership. After what happened to me, I can saftly state the following;

"Cecil Akisson Motors is not dealership that I would buy from again!"

Frank Sottile

New member
In order to get my "Record" cleaned, i.e. the charges removed, I need a Lawyer. They charge for this service.

Poorly writen laws do not get corrected on thier own, it takes Court Cases and Lawyers.

Other things are also up in the air until I speak with a Lawyer, but I have not had much luck in finding one that dose not want some money up front.

Frank Sottile

New member
The messy part is over, the case(s) have been tried, and I won (if you can call this winning).

But now comes the clean up, getting my record "Expunged" is next.

The VA has been a great help in helpping me deal with the BS from this ordeal.

IF you or anyone know a Lawyer that would be interested in my plite, please put me in contact with them.



New member
Frank, I understand your situation better now after reading more of your posts. I sincerely hope you find a lawyer that will help clear your record. You deserve that much.


I knew this story had the ring of truth to it the first time I read it. People should not have to lie to be in compliance with the law. It's an (apparently) forgotten concept called integrity and or honor.

Wish I was in a position to be able to help you Frank.:(